News in NSP 11.5

Released March 2023



Remember Order Information for future orders

Within Global function settings, new option for Service Catalog has been added - remember order information for future orders. If this option is enabled, the system will remember the data from the order confirmation form, so that the same data will be available and can be used directly for the next order.

Read more: Global function settings


Service Catalog Items Single Approver Email

Within Global function settings, new option for Service Catalog has been added – Enable single email approver. If this option is enabled, when you order multiple items and those items have the same approval flow (same approver), then approver receives only one email and Approve/Reject button that will approve/reject all items at once.

Read more: Global function settings


XSS improvements

The General NSP KS Security Engine has been enhanced with options for entering text that contains some kind of code. Only if XSS is active then you can use Pre tags to enter code in HTML fields – when you not using Pre tags code will be removed on saving.

If XSS is not active then code will be sanitized/ removed be default.

Support for Pre tags in HTML fields and active XSS


Example ticket comment:



After saving the comment – pre tags are not shown, but code is correctly saved

After saving the comment – code is removed




Mandatory ticket fields on status stages

Properties for entity form editor have been improved in the Mandatory section. Is this checkbox is marked, multiselect field Mandatory stages are displayed just below. Using this field, you can set ticket stages on which this field value is mandatory. In this case, the property is marked with two asterisks **.

Read more: Form Editor – Properties


Customer Account member from AD mark as default

For easier entry and administration of customer account members within the LDAP function, an automatic mapping option has been added. By entering a value in the field Customer Account AD Attribute, mapping of users with customer account objects in NSP will be enabled. Within the Customer account object there is an Ad-Identity field in which it is necessary to enter the value of this attribute on AD. If the synchronized user has an attribute value within AD, the system will try to find a Customer account with the same value, if at least one record is found, the system will automatically assign the user as a member of that customer account. If there is no default customer account, it will become the default for the user.

Read more: LDAP Server Job setting


Set Temporary Password on AD account via Ticket Trigger

Calling this method via trigger you can change user password into ActiveDirectory. User password can set as temporally or permanent. In case of temporally after first login Windows will ask to change password.

Read more: Trigger examples


Document templates: INPUT for date format when creating name

The function of creating the name of the export file has been improved in a way that you can define a specific format for dates.


Property Builder - Generate Default value using regex

In the case of a custom text field in Property Builder, it is possible to choose automatic value generation based on a Regex expression. In the default value field, in that case, you can enter a regex, for example two random numbers and two letters:


When opening the form, the generated value will be displayed on the screen every time.

Read more: Property Editor


Copy to clipboard

Within the property builder for text and numeric fields, the possibility of automatically copying the content to the clipboard has been added. If you check this option on the form, when displaying this property, the copy icon will appear on the right side of the field, clicking on the icon will automatically copy the field content to the clipboard. This option is available only for input type fields, like text or number.

Read more: Property Editor


LDAP Authentification type

The LDAP connection has been improved with the possibility of choosing a specific authentication process in accordance with the Microsoft LDAP documentation. In the drop-down list for authentification it is necessary to select the method of authentication to the server. In the case of 389 port, here you should select in most cases None, while in the case of 636 port it should be SecureSocketsLayer.

Accepted Values: None, Secure, Encryption, SecureSocketsLayer, ReadOnlyServer, Anonymous, FastBind, Signing, Sealing, Delegation, ServerBind

Read more: Ldap connectors


Power shell scripts in triggers

The Power Shell script engine within NSP has been enhanced with options for setting parameters and arguments when executing scripts from the application. In the following examples, you can see the ways of passing parameters and arguments in sync and async execution mode.


var response = api.ExecutePowerShellScript(record, '{"TypeScript":"SyncPowerShell", "SourceScriptFile":"myscript.ps1", "Parameters": {"servername": "AA", "envname": "V"}, "Arguments": ["A", 1, "b"] }')


api.ExecutePowerShellScript(record, '{"TypeScript":"AsyncPowerShell", "SourceScriptFile":"myscript.ps1", "Parameters": {"servername": "AA", "envname": "V"}, "Arguments": ["A", 1, "b"]  }')


Read more: Trigger Examples


User Reference Condition Builder

Within the property builder for reference fields, data filtering is enabled. For example, if you have a reference to the user field, you can display only users who are from a specific organization or with the last name NIllson.

Read more: Property Editor


Property Builder - Visibility Condition

Within the property builder, the setting of visibility for properties has been improved. Now it is possible to define one or more conditions for displaying a certain field.

Read more: Visibility condition


Order confirmation popup in Approval flow template

Within the approval flow template, you now have the option to display the content of all order information fields on the service item. The display will be generated in the form of one data for all properties (as it appears on the ticket).


Read more: Add/Edit approval flow


REGEX - Swedish personal number validator

Within the Entity editor, improvement was made for regex validator. Beside manually defined regex, it is now possible to use Swedish personal number as validator. Regex patterns can be defined only for text input fields. By clicking the Set up expression button, opens a popup where you can select the expression type.

Read more: Form Editor - Properties


Property Builder Text Field Read-only flag

Within the property builder, the read-only checkmark has been added. It is available on all field types. When this checkbox is marked the fields became read-only in the forms, and value can not be entered.

Read more: Property Editor


Entity Editor - Visibility Condition

In the entity editor, improvements have been made within the SSP form for setting the visibility condition. Now it is possible to set advanced visibility condition, for example that one field will be displayed in the case based on the values from two other fields.

Read more: Form editor – Properties


Entity Editor - Dependency filter

The entity editor for SSP ticket forms has been improved with the option of defining dependent properties on the form. The button Add depended field is used to create a dependency between two reference fields. This means that the choice in one field filters what is shown in the other field. An example is that you want to limit the selection of car Models available in a Models field depending of what Car is chosen.

Add dependent field is activated, which means that another field is depending on the value chosen in this field (Car). In this case, what is shown in, the field Model is limited of the property Value “Car”.

Read more: Form Editor - Properties



Within the Entity editor, it is now possible to define regex patterns for Self Service Portal ticket forms. By clicking the Set up expression button, you set the regex validator to a certain text field type after which a popup opens where you can enter the regex values. It is necessary to select expression type. If you want to enter your manually defined regex, select a custom type, or for already predefined expressions from the system select from the list (Swedish personal number). In the case of a custom expression, you need to enter a regex value for the validator. Also, you can set a placeholder text on the field. You can also set messages for the user, in case of invalid data entry on the form.

Read more: Form Editor - Properties


Agent portal

Service Catalog - Depended settings

Within Depended settings in Service Catalog a new option has been added - Mark by default. If this checkbox is marked, this dependent service will be automatically selected to be added to the basket.

Read more: Depended Service


Tags in direct email popup simple mode

Within the simple ticket view, the send direct email function has been improved with the possibility of inserting tags and comment templates.


Enable edit author on form in Knowledge Base article

A new possibility has been added within Knowledge Base. From now it is possible to edit author of Knowledge Base articles.


Add connections on Tickets

Two new properties have been added on a ticket level, MasterTicketID and DependetParentID.

This means that if you have a master ticket on the service order request type, the ticket ID will be saved in this field, also if you have depended items for each ticket it will be preserved a reference to the basic ticket. In the case of the depended items, each ticket will be linked to the main ticket.


CI Export History

CI Export History form within CMDB displays a list of logs from performed exports. The list contains folowing information of the export:

•          Created date – export created date and time

•          Total – Number of Cis to export

•          Executed – Number of currently processed Cis

•          Status – Current status of the export.

•          Filename – name of exported file

•          Type – type of export

•          Download - button is available only for Finished status and used for download exported file

•          Cancel - button is available only for Started status and uses to Cancel export process.

Above the list there is a status dropdown to filter which import logs shall be shown in list (All, Started, In progress, Error, Finished or Completed).

Read more: CI export history


Survey export improvements

Survey result report has been improved. There are two export buttons added: Export to Excel (All questions) which exports all questions and answers and second button Export to Excel which exports single question and answers based on selected question in dropdown.

Read more: Survey Result


Self Service portal

Order Information popup

Ordering process on SSP has been improved with possibility to hide some fields from section Order information. It now can be done by executing the script in data base. Script example:

If you would like to hide the field 'CostCenter'

exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'SCOrderHideFields','CostCenter';

If you would like to hide the Cost Center and Manager fields

exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'SCOrderHideFields', 'CostCenter;Manager;'

To hide all fields and the entire area for OrderInformation, execute script

exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'SCOrderHideFields','CostCenter;Manager;ContactName;Email;ExternalOrderNo;Note';

If we want to return all fields to be visible, execute script

exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'SCOrderHideFields','';

Important: After script execution, you need to invalidate the application cache because the information is cached ( it would be done by a recycle app pool)

Read more: Order confirmation form


Edit CI on SSP

Function Assets within Self Service Portal has been improved with the possibility of editing the selected CI.


Read more: CI form


Edit Contract on SSP

Contracts within Self Service Portal have been improved with the possibility of editing the selected contract.


Read more: Contract Form

SSP - Contract view - lease information

For Leasing type contracts, contract form now contains Leased CI section.

Leasing CI section, shows a list of all leased Cis related to contract. The form is divided in three tabs:

Active: On-going leasing.

Planned: Future leasing, Start Date is after current time.

Terminated: Terminated leasing, End Date is before current time.

Read more: Self Service Portal – Contracts

Default Service Catalog Customer Account

Within Self Service Portal, the option of selecting the default customer account for the service order process has been added. This feature was added to improve the performance of the application. Just right to user name is quick settings (gear  ) icon which is used to set user language and default customer account.

If this feature is enabled by System Administrator, you are able to set default customer account. Selected customer account will be used as pre-defined customer account in all feature orders.

Note: If this feature is enabled you won’t be able to make an order until you set default customer account in quick settings.

Read more: Self Service Portal


Customer Change Notes 11.5

Improvements/ Wishes / RFC's/ Bugs

Improvements/ Wishes / RFC's

Category/ Kategori




Views - For SCO view, two tags have been added, Dependent and Master ticket. When of them is dragged to group after, then it will group all related ticket so it easier to see relation. This does not apply to old tickets, only to new tickets created after the view has been set.


Ticket/ Direct mail

Order management: Improvements to depended services in service item. In Global function setting two new options has been added, Single email approve and parent approve. When one of them is active then it's enough to approve/reject parent service item and same decision will be decided for the depended services. For email a new approval flow needs to be created with the tags that appears after activating. If setting for mail is disabled and ordering service item with that flow will work as before, mail for every service item.



Textfield - In Setup expression, Swedish personal number has been added. When this is active only personal numbers can be entered and system checks if its valid.



Approval flow - New tag has been added Order Information, this tag shows the properties in the service item.


Entity editor

Cart - Improvement to choose what properties should be visible & hidden from order information with a script. Properties will still be visible in orders in SSP and agent portal.


Entity editor

Approval flow - New tags have been added. Collects entered information in orderinformation in Confirm order. Cost center to Note.


Entity editor

Orders/Order management - Improved to easier see which depended service items belong to main service item.


Entity editor

Property builder - Added options to set properties as readonly.


Service catalog

Property builder - Added option to properties, Copy to clipboard. When this is active an icon will appear next to property clicking on that icon will copy the content.


Service catalog

Property builder - Added possibilty to textfield to generate random value from regex. After first save of property edit default value will appear and that is where it is set.


Service catalog

Properties - Improvments to properties, added the possibility to add multiple conditions to visibility conditions and Condition builder has been added to Reference field, this can allow the user to narrow down search result ex for CI, contracts etc.


Service catalog

Global function setting -Under service item three new options has been added. Enable verify account by email, password or sms. The chosen option(s) will appear for service items which requires verification.


Service catalog

Global function setting/ Cart - In global function setting a remember function has been added for cart. When active, in cart it remembers entered information for Order information for future orders.


Service catalog

In global function settings, a new function has been added which allows users to select a default customer account in SSP. When ordering, selected account will be chosen and user can't change account.


Service catalog

Approval flow - In Global function setting, Single email approver has been added. When this is active three new tags are added to approval flow to build a template, List order items with same flow, approve/reject service items with same flow. When that flow with those tags are applied to service items, ordering multiply service items with same flow will send out only one mail to approver(s) instead of one mail per service item. Ordering other service items works as before.


Order Management

Approval flow - New function has been added to global function settings, Use requesters organization in groups on order. When this is active, in approval flow you can add a group with persons from different organizations. When a person orders, the mail will only be sent out to persons who has same organization as requester and only they can approve. If a person orders and there is no matching organization in group then order is created without approver, to prevent this it's needed to add an OR person. If the person who orders does not have organization then all persons in the group gets an mail.


Order Management

Contract SSP - In Role, Entity actions-contract edit on SSP has been added. This allows users to edit contract in SSP, what properties that can be edited in SSP is decided in Contract management by opening a property and mark Edit in SSP.


Order Management

IN SSP the user can see the  information in Add leasing in contract view


Order Management

CI SSP - In role, entity action under CI a new function has been added Edit in SSP. This allows users to edit in CI in SSP, What properties users can edit is decided in CMDB management properties, there is a checkbox Edit in SSP.



Knowledge Base Integration  - in configuration Language ID added in links and language dropdown on site.



Enable edit author on form in KB article and the author is mandatory.



CMDB - History has been added to export, user can track progress of their export, download and cancel. Only for standard export.



When sync from Ad is done, and insert members into customer account, for user will set as well selected customer account as default, and they not need to choose on Self service portal, will be predefined


Global Function Settings

LDAP: In LDAP settings a combox is added for selecting Authentication type


Global Function Settings

GDPR: New setting for sending email to the user when deleting user account. This can now be turned off.


Global Function Settings

Triggers: New API method SetUserPasswordIntoAD to change password for a user in Active Directory


Global Function Settings

Permission Schema/ Permission Rules - name of role with full path added


Global Function Settings

Extension Management - Re-implementation for automatic notification about 'Ticketno Not allowed attachments' incl. file names which are not allowed will be sent out to sender


SSP, Self Service Portal

Permission Schema/ Permission Rules - name of role with full path added


SSP, Self Service Portal

Views - For SCO view, two tags have been added, Dependent and Master ticket. When of them is dragged to group after, then it will group all related ticket so it easier to see relation. This does not apply to old tickets, only to new tickets created after the view has been set.



Order management: Improvements to depended services in service item. In Global function setting two new options has been added, Single email approve and parent approve. When one of them is active then it's enough to approve/reject parent service item and same decision will be decided for the depended services. For email a new approval flow needs to be created with the tags that appears after activating. If setting for mail is disabled and ordering service item with that flow will work as before, mail for every service item.


Knowledge Base Integration

Textfield - In Setup expression, Swedish personal number has been added. When this is active only personal numbers can be entered and system checks if its valid.


Knowledge Base

Approval flow - New tag has been added Order Information, this tag shows the properties in the service item.


CI Export

Cart - Improvement to choose what properties should be visible & hidden from order information with a script. Properties will still be visible in orders in SSP and agent portal.



Approval flow - New tags have been added. Collects entered information in orderinformation in Confirm order. Cost center to Note.


LDAP Connections

Orders/Order management - Improved to easier see which depended service items belong to main service item.



Property builder - Added options to set properties as readonly.



Property builder - Added option to properties, Copy to clipboard. When this is active an icon will appear next to property clicking on that icon will copy the content.


Email Configuration

Property builder - Added possibilty to textfield to generate random value from regex. After first save of property edit default value will appear and that is where it is set.



Properties - Improvments to properties, added the possibility to add multiple conditions to visibility conditions and Condition builder has been added to Reference field, this can allow the user to narrow down search result ex for CI, contracts etc.


USER Management & ACCESS Control

Global function setting -Under service item three new options has been added. Enable verify account by email, password or sms. The chosen option(s) will appear for service items which requires verification.



API: Implemented support for Survey in the API


Ticket forms

WAC improvements for Anonymous Forms

Improvements/ Functional changes

REQ0014386, REQ0014235

Survey Reports

Survey Reports - loads only questions, entities and groups according to the agent's role permissions. A new Export (all questions) button is also added. Furthermore, the survey is only sent to the defined entities and groups on the questions.

REQ0012986, REQ0014249

Document templates

Document templates: Language specific characters not presented correctly in filenames (corrected in 11.4). Space characters were erroneously replaced with plus signs in filenames (corrected in 11.5). In filename pattern you can now (in 11.5) format the date inserted by function "Get Current date", for example: yyyy-MM-dd or dd.MM.YYYY


Extension Management

Extension Management - high security improvements where files would sometimes not load into NSP, even if the file extension was allowed


Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base: Improvements for group permission on articles


Entity Editor

Entity Editor / Field name: It is not allowed to enter quotation marks for label in entity editor as it is using HTML property values. NSP will remove on blur the quotation marks when you enter them in Label or will show a message that's not allowed



Ticket Agentportal: Improvements to load saved values in tickets when using reference field to users

REQ0014471, REQ0014496


Ticket Description - improvements regarding graphical HTML Problems when tickets are created by email



Ticket already opened by other agent yellow marks in ticket list: when browser window is closed without closing the opened ticket forms first, then flag for yellow marks will be removed and after some seconds other agents can't see the yellow mark anymore in list



Ticket description/ comments - some hyperlinks in text could be destroyed and not be loaded correctly - example ' Intranet > Development > Test > Support'

REQ0014078, REQ0013935


Ticket - Edit Comment pop up, buttons public/internal/solution/workarround are removed. You can only toggle the comment properties in saved comment the comments list. Notification added in restricted ticket mode  when comment is change from internal to public like in ticket edit mode

REQ0014161, REQ0014146, REQ0014289, REQ0014550, REQ0014663

Linked Tickets

Linked Tickets on Requester Tab was not loaded directly when  Google Maps API Key in Agentportal settings is missing



Worklog Types: Improvement -> un-used worklog types can be deleted and used worklog types can be inactivated


SSP, Service Catalog

SC -  depended services was showing in service items when license was not met.


REQ0014211, REQ0014425, REQ0014176, REQ0014169


AP Ticket form: Wrong text on internal comment. (It erroneously showed text "Your comment will be sent as public reply")

REQ0013299, REQ0013583, REQ0013412

Ticket notification

Notification:  Entity link to ticket in text template did not loaded all field values correctly in form when agents were using the link. Note! When you are agent then the ticket in link will always be opened in agentportal. If ticket not at all is opened then agent has no permission to see the ticket in agentportal.



Link CI - When filtering by type, Inactive CI-types would appear in the list.



Ticket: CI added via system field CI in ticket form could not be removed from ticket Linked CI tab



Dashboard - Status bar graphic - was placed wrong only in FireFox


Ticket Data Templates

Ticket Data Templates - Deleted templates could still be available under favorites and directly via ticket button

REQ0014264, REQ0014291, REQ0014266, REQ0013514

Ticket Data Templates

Ticket Data Templates: Favorite Icon for templates was sometimes not shown. Intermittent problem


Ticket Data Templates

Ticket Data Templates: When saving a newly created template with a pre-defined assignee, a mail notification was sent to the assignee about new ticket


Scheduled tickets

Scheduled tickets: An error occurred when trying to link a CI to a Scheduled ricket



Views - inactive/deleted System Views on ticket entity has been activated automatically each time the entity has been updated in Entity Editor /Edit Entity Data



Agent portal, Ticket views: After search in Elasticsearch too many tickets were suddenly shown in ticket view with filter 'in my groups'. (Additional correction)


Elastic search

Elasticsearch: When searching, the agent did not find tickets in other groups than they were member of, despite having View permissions for the entity / groups via role


Entity Job

Entity job - scheduling: With Language code en-GB -> date settings (dd/MM/YYYY format) was switched to en-US format (MM/DD/YYYY format)


Entity Job

Entity job - scheduling: If the job was scheduled Once and executed then the  job can be edit again but not with property Once - Now Daily is used and you have to change start date and raise the counter with 1 in occurrence(s) for End after.

REQ0011109, REQ0013014

Entity Editor

Entity editor: It was not possible to rename a treeview component because mandatory field 'Reference entity' was not loaded

REQ0011221, REQ0013477, REQ0012721

Service catalog

SC - Editing two service items at the same time transferred over properties to the other service item. Now only one item can be in edit mode.


Service catalog

Approval flow - Some tags stopped working.


Service catalog

SC - Properties could not be set as mandatory if visibility was active first.

REQ0012272, REQ0013521

Knowledge Base

The recipient field (recipient) does not change when the user's language is changed, and it cannot be modified from the accounts management.



The user cannot move to the second step when activating/not activating the chatt icon for Team in SSP.



API: After creating a CI with Dynamic Properties with values set to null via the API, the view "CI LIST BY TYPE" could not show this CI or the page it existed on because an error occurred in the background, related to null records. These are no longer created, and can be be removed by script if needed (contact Nilex Support).


SSP, tickets

Link Ci to ticket - Rows per page was showing wrong amount.

REQ0014336, REQ0014273

SSP, knowledgebank

SSP Opened KB article - returned  error " - textblock truncated:" if no language was saved in article, but it's allowed possible to save article without language because then this article is available in all languages


SSP, Service Catalog

SC - Information about depende services was shown even when there are no depended service for the service item.


SSP, Service Catalog

Cart - Set approver in cart did not work properly when hide customer account was active.


SSP, Orders

Cart - Properties that was set as hidden showed up in cart order info, resolved.


Ticket Quicksteps

Quicksteps: If you wanted to use the same quickstep twice in a row on a ticket, it did not trigger again unless you first selected another menu choice


SSP, tickets

SSP, Ticket form: If a ticket had long description text or several comments, the right-side panel with ticket fields / values was displaced downwards, with empty space above


CMDB Import

CMDB import - Updating existing CI with option empty and mapping Manage/Used by, columns that did not have a user would set Admin as Managed/Used by instead of leaving it empty.


Service Catalog

SC - Category could not be deleted if service item was there during order.


SSP, Service Catalog

SC - Quantity disappeared when trying to change.