News in NSP 11.4

Released 16/11/2022



Improvements in Role Permission Management

The different Role permissions on Agent portal and SSP are now separated.

   Agent roles on parent role Agent are only applied on Agent portal.

   EndUser roles (incl. PowerUser role) on parent role EndUser are only applied on SSP.

   Systemadministrator role and Admin roles will be applied on Agent portal and SSP.


If an agent has PowerUser role in addition to role/s in the agent portal, then an additional role is required to determine what the agent should see on SSP.

The PowerUser role will not be applied on Agent portal.

NOTE! The PowerUser role should not be changed. Permission should be given by another role on parent role EndUser. 

Regarding SSP Views

The views are visible regarding to View scope (User Specific, Group, Organization or System wide)The Views will only load Ticket Entities you have permission to see on SSP.

SSP Submit Ticket

Which Ticket Entities are available is determined by both role levels Agent + Enduser.


Improvements in comment classification

Within the general settings comment classification on entity type, it is now possible to define default folders for incoming and outgoing comments.

Read more: Comment Classification


Entity view grid improvements

In this version, the user interface for displaying CI views within the entity views option has been changed, so that now all views are grouped within categories.

Read more: Entity Views


Visibility condition for mandatory fields

Property builder has been improved with the possibility to set the visibility condition for a field that is mandatory. This means that the field will be visible on the form only if the condition is met and the field will be marked as mandatory.


Property builder improvements REGEX

Within the property builder for fields type text, number and decimal number, the possibility of setting the regex validator has been added, which means that the validity of the entered value will be checked in accordance with the entered regex pattern. For example, if you have a field for entering an email address, you can define a pattern that the user must enter the correct email address in a certain format.

Read more: Custom Entity forms / Property editor


Link KB article on ticket template

The ticket template function has been expanded with the possibility of linking the knowledge base article to the template. By activating a certain template on the ticket form, certain fields will be filled in and links to selected kb articles will be added.

Read more: Ticket Data Templates



Defining questions within the survey has been improved with the possibility of choosing which entities and groups you want the question to be displayed to.

Read more: Define Survey


Integration with Faciliate system

This function allows integration with Faciliate service for allowing control of your facilities and workspaces, optimize the efficiency of facility management services and delivery. If this function is enabled, facilitate properties will be displayed in CI and Order form and view.

Read more: Faciliate Details


Settings for Financial details

With this function, it is now possible to expand the CI order form with data relevant to your financial records. For example it is possible to add fields such as customer, department, project, etc.

Read more: Financial


Integration with Jira

JIRA is a functional management tool that tracks errors, tasks, project management and reporting. The purpose of integrating with NSP is to ensure that similar records are created in both environments. So it is planned to transfer content created on NSP or JIRA to another one. For instance, a ticket created in Nsp is also moved to JIRA. Or, when a comment is written on a ticket on JIRA, it is possible to write a comment on same ticket on NSP. For further information regarding Jira integration, please contact our support.


Improvements for HTML fields in entity editor and property builder

The text editor control inside the property builder has been improved with additional options / hiding the toolbar of the tool palette and control of certain buttons inside the toolbar, such as insert video, import export, etc.

Read more: Custom Entity forms / Property editor


API trigger

The trigger engine has been extended with new api methods: CloneComments, CloneAttachments, GetPropertyDisplayName, GetDisplayName, GetRecordDisplayName and InsertJiraTicket.

Read more: Trigger Examples


Hide/show tickets per category

Category popup can be configured so that the ticket list will be displayed or not in the popup. If this option is turned on, when creating or editing a ticket, all tickets belonging to the previously selected category will be displayed in a popup form. Otherwise, only the list of categories will be displayed in this method, but not the corresponding tickets.

Read more: Global function settings


Hide Login Domain option to SSP settings

The login configuration has been improved with the option to hide the AD domain list on the login form. Instead of selecting a domain from the list, the user will be able to enter the domainname in the username field.

Read more: SSP settings


Black list

External identity login configuration has been improved with the function of defining a list of users who are not allowed to log into the system. If you want to prevent a user from logging into the system with a certain nameid value, enter the nameid value in the field Black List Name Ids and he will not be able to login.

Read more: External Login Methods


Service catalog

Set approver on service order

Within the service catalog function, an option has been developed to select an approver in the order popup on the Self Service portal. This means that from now on, end users are able to choose an approver from the list of available approvers on the system.


Read more: Order confirmation form


Checkmark show/hide order information

If you want to hide the fields for entering the order information for a specific service item, it is now possible with a checkmark on the service item form.

Read more: Add new Service Catalog item


Service item worklog mapping

Service items settings has been enhanced with the possibility to map service item properties to worklog. This means that you will be able to automatically transfer certain properties to the worklog within the created service item ticket.

Read more: Add new Service Catalog item


Auto leasing improvements

From this version, you will have the option of turning on automatic leasing for a specific service item. This means that the purchased service item will automatically be assigned to the leasing contract of

Read more: Add new Service Catalog item


Approval flow limits

This feature allow you to define amount up to which the user can order a service item that will be automatically approved. All orders over that limit should be approved by users defined in approval flow.

Form contains a list of all approval flow limits existing in the system. Approval flow can be added, be activated/deactivated, edited or deleted. Default Approval Flow limit is predefined and applied to all users and cannot be deleted.

Read more: Approval flow limits


Agent portal

Add Recipient as field in dashboard grid

Within the dashboard ticket grid configuration, it is now possible to select the recipient field that will be displayed in the grid.


Map user by Email or Windows Username during import of CI

Import CI from CMDB is optimized in the case of importing user type fields, such as used by, managed by etc, from now on the mapping will be done via email value or windows username identifier.

Read more: CI CSV Direct Import


Self Service portal

Show priority text within ticket list

If you want text to be displayed in the ticket list on the self-service portal instead of a graphic icon, activate this option in global feature settings.

Read more: Global function settings


Custom CI views

If you want to create custom CI views on Self Service portal with predefined columns, it is now possible to do that. By marking the Show in SSP checkbox, the view will be displayed on SSP as well. View will be listed on Assets page on SSP.

Read more: Entity views


Customer Change Notes 11.4

Improvements/ Wishes / RFC's/ Bugs

Improvements/ Wishes / RFC's

Category/ Kategori




NSP - All external calls to Google are removed if GoogleMapsApiKey and ReCaptchaSiteKey do not exist in configuration


Email configuration

Email configuration - if you are using EWS for outgoing notification then copy of send email will be saved on email account


Email configuration

Emal configuration: MS Graph Logout button added


Email configuration

Email configuration: Field "outgoing e-mail account" added on Microsoft Graph API e-mail type.

REQ0012335, REQ0013414, REQ0012008, REQ0013601, REQ0012451, REQ0011666, REQ0013274, REQ0011272

Roles & Permissions

Improvements in role permission: The different Role permissions on Agentportal and SSP are now separated. Further info in News 11.4


SSO Login

External logins: Possibility to hide domain for AD login in SSP


SSO Login

External logins: Possible to Black list nameSubjectId values on SSO External identity (Recycle of Auth Application pool required)


LDAP Connections

LDAP: Note field added for LDAP jobs (500 characters). You can write a description for the job and it is shown as a tooltip on the Id column.



Configurations: It is now possible to hide the ticket list in the category popup via a new setting in Global Function Settings: "Show category ticket list"



Ticket: If the ticket was created via email then there is information to which email address the email was sent and whether the recipient from the email is marked as TO, CC or BCC. Additonal you can add ticket system field 'Recipient as' in Dashboard, Views and Report Templates



Ticket -  Improvements for Comment classification - automatic classification in default folders for Inbox / Sent


Ticket Form

Ticket CI list - You can now filter by CI type



Configurations: It is now possible to hide the ticket list in the category popup via a new setting in Global Function Settings: "Show category ticket list"


Ticket Data Templates

Ticket Data Templates - possibility to link KB article on templates

REQ0012889, REQ0012592

Entity Editor

Ticket Entity editor: Comboboxes can now be sorted either alphabetically or by their database ID numbers


Entity Form Editor

CMDB, Contract, KB, SI - For properties, text, number and decimal an option has been added which allows user to add regex code (number and decimal still has limit up to 999,999,999)


Entity Form Editor

Entity Form Editor  -  Formatting bar for HTML fields can be hided by property settings 'Hide Toolbar' in form editor and the default height is 150 px


Invoice Settings

Implement the possibility of setting default customer account from user profile in Agentportal and from the setting in SSP.



SC, CMDB, Contract - Improvement selected customer account in cart will link it to leased contract with same customer account.



In service item, ticket setting another option has been added: Automatic lease enabled. If create CI after purchase is active then automatic lease can be enabled. When enabled, approved service items will create the CI with status leased and link it to leased contract.


Service catalog

Service catalog - Ticket setting, you can pre define worklog information in service item. When service item is approved, in SCO ticket worklog, after choosing customer account all predefined information will be filled in.


Service catalog

SC - In service item, ticket settings worklog mapping has been added, when SCO ticket is created selecting a worklog will map automatically fields.

REQ0013321, REQ0013119

Service catalog

Reference field - Option to select Customer account has been added to property reference.


Service catalog

SC - Mandatory fields can now be  hidden for visibility conditions.


Service catalog

Cart - In cart the person who orders can now select who the approver should be, Role(s) which have approver on SSP active will be displayed as selectable approvers.


CI Import

CMDB - Now it possible to map managed/used by through windows username that is set i user profile.


SSP Configurations

SSP - new global function settings - Show 'Priority text instead of color (SSP)' in ticket list's on SSP


SSP, Self Service Portal

Entity views - Now it's possible to set Custom CI views as visibile in SSP. When editing view a checkbox has been added 'shows in SSP'


SSP, Service Catalog

Cart - In Global function setting option has been added to hide order summary, in service items options has been added to hide or enable deliver adress and order information.


SSP, Service Catalog

Service catalog - In service item step 3 data, you can now choose which service items should have deliver address and Order information displayed in Cart.


Service Catalog / Approval Flow

Approval flow limit has been added, When active user can set up a limit. If price goes above allowed limit then limit flow i sent to next person that is allowed to approve.



Survey - questions can be defined for groups and entities



Ticket Data Templates

Ticket Data Templates - Deleted templates could still be available under favorites and directly via ticket button

REQ0013256, REQ0012407

Ticket Data Templates

Ticket Data Templates: It is now possible to set Urgency / Impact in Ticket templates


Ticket Data Templates

Ticket Data Templates - template marked as favorite was not always loaded correctly


Ticket Data Templates

Ticket Data Templates - The permission check when loading the templates in the agentportal was incorrect if the agent had role permissions on group/s and the templates were based on forms with system permissions.

REQ0013471, REQ0013577, REQ0012356

Report Templates

Report templates - when using Microsoft Graph API: Scheduled reports/sent reports but the report attachment was never shown when reciever address was in same domain as the mailbox.


Report Templates

In report template, CI, the user can’t see the product value

REQ0013640, REQ0012982, REQ0013446

Report Templates

The report template didn't show time values from some custom field


Report Templates

In report templates, the user can’t send report with SLA property through mail


Report Templates

Report templates - when using Microsoft Graph API: Scheduled reports/sent reports but the report attachment was never shown when reciever address was in same domain as the mailbox.


Reports (Standard)

In standard reports, the priority field does not match real priority ordinal number


Document Templates

Document templates: Language specific characters not presented correctly


Export Templates

Export template - In step 2 files, column created by has been removed to avoid confusions.



Maintenancehost - Notification incoming/outgoing email with subject length more than 1000 characters will not stop the service, but there is a limit of different email clients and will be send as 255/256/500 characters.



Maintenancehost - ticket was not created if the incoming email was without email text or an empty attached file



Email Configuration with Microsoft Graph - attachments of type *.msg in incoming emails were not converted into NSP

REQ0013552, REQ0012406


Tickets created by mail with embedded images. The image was missing in ticket description. Problem was relaterad to using MS Graph in Email configuration and incoming Email had digital signature

REQ0013717, REQ0013212, REQ0013542, REQ0012678, REQ0013167


Ticket notifcations - outgoing reply emails had too many breaks between text



Notifications: If person in NSP is inactive or active and marked that no notification should be sent to this person then it could be sent anyway under some circumstances by creating ticket by email



In permission schemas, the user can’t open the kb with status draft


SSP, knowledgebase

In KB, Archived and deleted Knowledgebase articles are accessible via url



In KB, the reference field with entity name, Base Person give ID instead of Name



Contract - Resolved: Whole path tree was not shown, selecting all contract only showed contracts. Improved: added expand function for contracts to view subtype.



Calendar: Fixes for empty type lists in calendar settings, and sometimes wrong entity names in ticket calendar

REQ0013650, REQ0013722


CTI, The system copies the ticket that have been created from CTI more than once



User profile - CIs did not open in CI list.

REQ0013145, REQ0013295

CI Import

CMDB Import - User were not able to proceed to next step if Checkbox group, Dropdown or radio button properties were mapped.


CI Export

CMDB - In advanced export manufacturer would appear as ID instead of name.


CI List

Views - Column CI Count never showed how many CI were linked to a SCO ticket in Service order request.


CI List

CI Views - It was not possible to search for email in CI views even f it was checked as searchable.


CI List

Ticket CI list - In Column impact, wrong value was shown.



Ticket views / Dashboard: It was not possible to search for words with language specific characters in comments



Ticket form: It was not possible to save ticket if field OwnerAgentID was included in the form and its label contained special characters

REQ0013692, REQ0013129


Ticket views: It was not possible to show "Last comment" in info panel for a ticket if the comment contained an apostrophe / single quote

REQ0013505, REQ0013159


Ticket form: When using Quickstep to create and link ticket, the wrong user could be logged as creator/linker of the ticket



Linked tickets: Erroneous error message when trying to add an empty comment to comment stream when linking tickets

REQ0013548, REQ0013257

Ticket Entity Form Editor

SSP / AP Entity forms - improvements for inner description and tooltip on fields

REQ0011912, REQ0013400

Name Configuration

AP Ticket / SSP Submit ticket - Name configuration with email address and windows name was not supported regarding to settings


Role & Permissions

SSP: Enduser can no longer see tickets of a certain entity in ticket views if the user lacks permission to the entity


Role & Permissions

User profile - Stand in user tab was not visible unless call log tab was active.


Manage People

Manage People / User Profile - Linked CI's couldn't be opened through user or organization tab

REQ0013639, REQ0012673


Trigger script - 'Create CI from ticket trigger and link with record ticket' could generate two copies under specific circumstances caused by filter option in trigger


SSP Configuration

SSP: Problem with empty space on the start page if you didn't use widgets for Billboard or Custom links. Remaining widgets did not use the space.


SSP Submit Ticket

SSP Submit Tickets - images on SSP forms - improvements for delayed loading


Financial Management

In FM, worklog, there is a problems with invoicing worklog. Even though the worklog  marked as Invoiceable it can't get invoice.


Financial Management

The worklog tickets that belong to the user that member in worklog follows him once he become a member in other worklog customer account


Order Management

Service catalog - Depended service item showed wrong currency if hide price information was active

REQ0011285, REQ0013317, REQ0011650, REQ0011981, REQ0012286, REQ0013163, REQ0013265, REQ0013275, REQ0012353, REQ0010943

Service Catalog

SC - Properties in service items did not save properly and changed name. Value may need to be entered again.


Service catalog

Entity editor: Changing entity name for Service Order Request, erroneously also changed name for the form

REQ0013235, REQ0013372

Service Catalog

Service catalog - In service item step 3 data, you can now choose which service items should have deliver address and Order information displayed in Cart.


Service Catalog

SC - Ticket settings, managed properties mapped CI was not visible after save.


Service catalog/ Approval Flow

Service catalog - After removal of Contains service item it would still show up in Order managment, ticket and approval mail.

REQ0012827, REQ0011329, REQ0011858

SSP, Service Catalog

SC, order on behalf of - Wrong requester was set in ticket when ordering for someone else.


SSP, Service Catalog

Service catalog - Backing out from a service item did not take the user to right category.


SSP, Service Catalog

Service catalog - When backing out from a service item, it showed all service items instead of just the ones from selected category.


SSP, Service Catalog

SC - Optimization in code to prevent that sql take more resources then needed.