Released June 2023
The feature allows integration with Ebbot Chat application ( and if feature is enabled and configured ebbot chat widget will be displayed in SSP home page. Ebbot chat is available only for logged users, not for anonymous people.
Read more: Ebbot
Read more: Ebbot chat
API is a new function in NSP for identification between integrations. An API (application programming interface) key is a unique identifier used to authenticate and authorize a user or calling program to an API. They also act as a unique identifier and provide a secret key for authentication purposes.
Read more: API keys
The configuration integration page has been redesigned, to make it simpler and more transparent to use. For each line/integration there are now Activate/ Edit/ Deactivate actions available. By clicking on the Activate action, a certain integration is activated, while configuring it is possible by clicking on the Edit action. Integration can be turned off by klicking on action Deactivate.
User settings has been improved with possibility not to send approval notification for orders. If this option is enabled, then approval aflow notifications for approve/reject orders will not be sent to this specific user.
Read more: Add user
A new option has been added within Public Comment Confirmation settings for tickets - Enable public comment confirmation prompt. If this option is enabled, confirmation prompt will be displayed when you submit a public comment on ticket form.
Read more: Comment & Description Setting
Within Property Editor, in the case of the text property field, it is possible to automatically calculate the value of the field based on a given formula, for example, calculate the monthly price based on the purchase price of the product.
Read more: Custom Entity forms / Property editor
If you have a person reference within the Property builder, it is now possible to set specific filters for displaying users – only internal, only external or all. The condition depends on the system setting in the administrator port under Domain. Internal and all domains are specified here.
Read more: Custom Entity forms / Property editor
For the combo box, radio button and data tree view properties, an option has been added to sort items within the form by clicking on the drag and drop icon.
Within user type settings, a column default has been added. Only one type can be marked as default, and that type will be preselected in creating new user form.
Read more: User type
From this version, it is possible to have different names for the same entity on the Agent portal and Self Service Portal.
Read more: Entity properties and settings
Trigger actions for adding new comment have been expanded with options for adding comments as Public Solution, Public workaround, Private Solution or Private workaround.
The email configuration interface is upgraded, and it can be activated by executing the following script:
update app.GlobalSettings set [Value] = 'True' where [Key] = 'UseNewEmailConfiguration'
[Value] can be 'True' or 'False'. True value activates a new interface, False value activates an old interface.
NSP allows advanced settings of remember order information. With this enhancement, you can choose which fields will be saved for the next time you open Confirm Order Window. Settings is done by executing script in db.
Read more: Advanced settings of remember order information
Agent portal
The service catalog has been improved with the possibility of copying meta data from some Ci to the order confirmation form. If this checkbox in Property Builder is marked, all meta data (facilitate and financial) from CI will be copied to the order confirmation popup. This is valid only for CI reference entity and applies only on the service catalog.
Read more: Custom Entity forms / Property editor
Read more: Order confirmation form
The service item form has been expanded with a new option - Order separately only. If this option is enabled, this service item can only be ordered separately, without other items and without dependent items.
Read more: Add new service item
An improvement has been made in leasing CI within Ci view, new options have been added to view, edit and terminate leasing Ci information.
Read more: CI Leased CI
In CI history, now you can track property changes for faciliate and finance properties.
The knowledge base has been improved with information on the number of times an article has been opened. This number of views represents the total number of views that were realized both on the SSP and on the Agent portal.
Read more: Article Contents tab
Super approver is new function within Order management that allows the user to approve any order regardless of whether it is in the approval flow or not. You can assign this right to the user in Roles & Permissions in the Entity Actions – Order – Approve all orders section.
Read more: Order approval
In ticket lists in Dashboard and Views, one new multi action has been added – Delete. Clicking on this action, popup will be opened with security question to confirm deletion. The deletion process will be completed in the same way as in the delete action within the Quickstep function (soft delete).
Read more: Ticket multi update
The ticket simple view and advanced view have been improved, with a link to the service order details form. This link will only be displayed if the ticket is of the SCO type.
Read more: Ticket Details, Restricted Mode
Read more: Ticket Description
Counters on all tabs have been added within Ci view and ticket simple view mode view.
Within the text editor, a new Monospace font has been added to the font selection list. You can use this font, for example, to display some text formatted as program code.
Customer Change Notes 11.6
Improvements/ Wishes / RFC's |
Category |
Description |
REQ0015124 |
Agent Portal |
Dashboard / Views - Multi Delete of tickets available via role settings and logic is same as for Quickstep Delete (ticket are soft deleted and still in DB) |
REQ0014230, REQ0010967 |
Agent Portal |
Improvements in CMDB CI / Ticket simple mode - counter on several tabs |
REQ0010325 |
Agent Portal |
Ticket comment etc : New font Monospace with unambiguous letters for commonly confused characters, For example, there are slashed zeroes, meaning the number "0" (zero) can be differentiated from the letter "O" (Oh). |
REQ0012059 |
Agent Portal/ Dashboard |
SC - On dashboard, CI is available as column. This will show mapped CI in ticket mapping (CIid). |
REQ0013719 |
Agent Portal /Userprofil |
Agent Portal / Userprofil : New settings for confirmation in ticket (pop up - message) to send public comment |
REQ0014955 |
Agent Portal/ Linked tickets |
Linked tickets: Source / IP number is no longer displayed for linking comment in comment stream (functional change) |
REQ0015104, REQ0015163 |
Entity Editor |
Entity Editor: Additional mandatory settings on ticket field assignee. If mandatory is set on some status stage then named agent is reqiured not only group |
REQ0015123 |
Entity Editor |
Entity Editor - possibility to set/present various ticket entity names on SSP |
REQ0012592 |
Entity Editor |
Entity editor: Comboboxes can now be sorted freely. The sort order is applied both in AP and SSP. |
REQ0012889 |
Entity Editor |
Entity editor: Nodes in Treeview components can now be sorted. The sort order is applied both in AP and SSP. |
REQ0012639 |
Entity Editor |
Entity editor - added mandatory checkmark for ticket description on SSP forms |
REQ0015126 |
Entity Editor |
Entity Editor: Ticket Entities can be sorted by drag & drop and sort order will be applied in Agentportal under ADD+ and on SSP under Submit ticket |
REQ0015129 |
Service catalog |
SC - New option has been added to service item, Order separate only. When this is active on service item, only that service item can be ordered and added to cart an no other service items. When order separately is active depended services tab is removed, service items that have depended can't be set a order separately before removing depended service items. |
REQ0015131 |
Service catalog |
Cart - Reference field when selecting CI a new checkbox appears Load meta data on confirm order, when this is active and service item is set as order separate only. If selected CI has value in Faciliate and financal then it will populate those areas in confirm order automatically. |
REQ0014551 |
Service catalog |
SC - Reference field, when selecting Base person, next time opening and setting condition two new options have been added: Is external user and Is internal user. In SSP only persons with selected condition will be shown. What users are internal are set in Configurations > Settings > agent portal configurations under domains. |
REQ0015128 |
Approval Flows |
User profile - In user profile, a checkbox has been added Do not send approve notification. When Do not send approve notification is marked, user does not receive any approval mails. |
REQ0015130 |
Approval Flows |
Order management - In entity actions under order a new option has been added, Approve all orders. Persons that have this active on their role will be able to approve all orders, they don't need to be members of any approval flow. |
REQ0015132 |
Order Management |
Improvements to remember future order informations - With scripts it's possible to select which properties should be remembered. Invalidate system cache/recycle pools might be needed for function to work. |
REQ0014375 |
CI type property builder - In condition to filter by product type & product category has been added. |
REQ0015247 |
Property text - For text field button Calculated value has been added. This calculates EMI formula price/month from another property which is set on property. When field is active as EMI calculation the it's only read. Calculations only occur on save. |
REQ0015133 |
Add View, Terminate and Edit action to Leased CIs tab (same as in Contracts view). |
REQ0013527 |
Knowledgebank |
The attached file in the KB article's menu appears in reverse order, with "Download" expected to be at the top |
REQ0015125 |
Knowledgebank |
Implementation of number of views option for kb-articles, this count is incrementing when view is opened on AP and SSP |
REQ0014001, REQ0012279 |
People |
Manage People Tab User type - new setting used as default User type - if new user will be created via ticket field Requester Pop up |
REQ0014646 |
Triggers |
Triggers: Improvements to show long presentation names i drop down fields |
REQ0013484 |
Triggers |
Triggers - action Add comment -> expanded with public/private workarround and public/private solution |
REQ0014315 |
Triggers |
Trigger Action: Improvement for Date &Time fields - possibiltiy to set even time |
REQ0015119 |
Email Configuration |
Email configuration: New GUI settings must be activated on database level by script. Please contact NSP Support. |
REQ0015251 |
Email Configuration |
Email configuration: Improvements for EmailAccount settings checkbox SMTP |
REQ0013981, REQ0014815, REQ0012204, REQ0013757, REQ0013735, REQ0014055 |
Email Configuration |
Email configuration: Improvements for EmailAccount name and Alias Account name in email settings |
REQ0014868 |
Maintenancehost |
Maintenancehost: The mail service stopped when an incoming mail could not be processed into NSP |
REQ0015134 |
Integrations |
Integration Settings - Improvements in configuration -> Shows the integrations as listview with options for activate/deactivate and edit mode |
REQ0014206 |
Application |
Implementation of SCIM synchronization with Azure AD |
Bugs |
REQ0014971, REQ0014894, REQ0014920, REQ0014924, REQ0014929, REQ0014932, REQ0014979, REQ0015029 |
Agent Portal/ Ticket form |
Ticket Subject header: Buttons for current status and form in edit mode where moved a little more to the left after the browsers updated to Edge 112, Chrome 112 and FireFox 112 |
REQ0015345, REQ0014935, REQ0015265, REQ0014970, REQ0015011, REQ0014819 |
Agent Portal / Ticket form |
AP Ticket form: Link "Expand all" did not work correctly. The comment contents were not shown. (You had to expand comments via arrow icons instead) |
REQ0013848 |
Agent Portal/ Ticket form |
AP Ticket form: In tab "Organization", too many linked tickets were shown after clicking on "reset all filters" |
REQ0015271, REQ0015290, REQ0015060 |
Agent Portal/ Ticket form |
AP Ticket form, Advanced mode: Ticket description was always expanded even though setting for this in user profile was unmarked |
REQ0015289, REQ0015001 |
Agent Portal/ Ticket form |
AP Ticket form: When downloading attachment from a comment, a large preview window was also opened, which only showed the file icon. This window is now removed. |
REQ0014763 |
Agent Portal/ User Profile |
AP User profile: Some settings were not saved when new user saved the user profile for the first time |
REQ0007274 |
Agent Portal/ Dashboard |
Dashboard: Depending on settings, Task counts were not always updated automatically in the different Task bubbles |
REQ0012658 |
Entity Editor |
Entity editor: You could get duplicate of a new field if you edited it one more time before trying to save the entity. You had to remove the duplicate before being able to save. |
REQ0015161 |
Entity Editor |
Entity Editor: Existing clickable field on entity could be reset to normal text field if new fields were created/added directly on entity form |
REQ0010859, REQ0014564, REQ0014965, REQ0014806 |
Entity Editor |
Entity Editor, SSP form: Date fields lost settings for visibility condition and width percentage when re-editing form. |
REQ0015039 |
Entity Editor |
Entity Editor - checkbox mandatory on ticket forms for field- type Number was not saved and value control on form was not not correct |
REQ0015192, REQ0014790 |
Entity Editor/ People |
People / Entity editor: It was not possible to import users or tickets via a csv file because of an error message |
REQ0012282, REQ0012487 |
Service catalog |
SC - Edit description, default below and tooltip did not always show entered information in service item. |
REQ0014948 |
Service catalog |
SC - Edit default value did not save correctly for all properties |
REQ0014794 |
Service catalog |
SC -Super admin could not see all categories that was set to be visible to orders in manage properties mapping, unless they were member in group for that specific category. |
REQ0014721, REQ0014943 |
Service catalog |
Service catalog - Description did not update directly in edit mode after saving. |
REQ0014216 |
Service catalog |
SC - Attach file did not close window after save. Deleting file removed it but it was still visbile as it was not removed. |
REQ0015015 |
Order Management |
Orders - Date field appeared as empty in SSP Orders (Only for users who uses Swedish language) |
REQ0009511 |
CI Views - Reference property with field type combo box showed up as ID instead of name. CI and proerty might need to be resaved for it to work properly. |
REQ0015154 |
CI - Removing value in faciliate properties returned same valu when saving. |
REQ0015033 |
Leasing |
In contract, terminate CI by agent doesn’t working well |
REQ0012272 |
Knowledgebank |
The recipient field (recipient) does not change when the user's language is changed, and it cannot be modified from the accounts management. |
REQ0014834 |
SSP, knowledgebank |
SSP.Knowlegdebase - sometimes articles were loading under wrong category |
REQ0014940 |
Knowledgebank |
The message is sent to the user who has been excluded from the group where the message was initially transmitted and when sending mail we all received mail 2 times in Outlook |
REQ0014988 |
Invoice |
In invoicing, the cancel invoice function has led to the creation of a new invoice again |
REQ0012205 |
Text Templates |
Text Templates target comment/ email - tags for multiselect referens field / CC field returned ID's instead of display names |
REQ0013764 |
Report Templates |
Report Templates: Field used as column etc and which returns no value in report will get in header |
REQ0015267 |
Export Templates |
Export templates: It was not possible to upload csv file in Chrome / Edge. (Firefox worked) |
REQ0015096 |
Triggers |
Triggers: Trigger could not be saved if using field of type Double in trigger condition or action |
REQ0015157 |
Configuration Logging |
Configuration logging - Added information to specify if it is Financial or faciliate that has been populated in cart. |
REQ0014724, REQ0014738 |
Notifications |
Ticket notification with incl. tag for ticket description - there was send out additional spaces between rows in the email. |
REQ0014513, REQ0015007 |
Maintenancehost |
Maintenancehost: Improvements in error handling for NNS scheduled Import |
REQ0014503, REQ0014650 |
The CTI crashed and had to be restarted sometimes when incoming callers had a special picture in their profile. |
REQ0012628, REQ0012735 |
Mobile app |
The downloading of attachments in the comment field on NSP Mobile (for Android and iPhone) is not working on mobile devices. |
REQ0015038 |
Mobile app |
Mobile: The ticket field in the mobile application did not allowed the user to select the impact or urgency. |
REQ0011417 |
Mobile app |
In mobile, the user can't login with mobile app using Azure SSO |
REQ0006399 |
GDPR, Fulltext search and Elasticsearch: Could still search on user name / email and get results, even though name / email was deleted in the NSP application |