News in NSP 11.3


Released 08/07/2022

Agent portal

Ticket Management – Ticket Status Flow

Ticket view has been improved with the action of displaying the ticket status flow in graphic form. Within the ticket status flow, we can see the state of the ticket as well as its future allowed stages in relation to the current tickets stage. We can also see all sent notifications on the ticket via email or sms.

Read more: Ticket Status Flow


Invoicing – account receivables

Account receivables view within Charging function has been improved with export option, where  you can get a report exported either in Excel or PDF.

Read more: Account receivables

Service Catalog - create task on order

Within the service item configuration, you can select a list of tasks for the selected service item that you want to assign automatically when creating a new order for the mentioned service item.

Read more: Add new Service Catalog item


Auto leasing

Service item settings have been improved with the option of automatically adding CI to the leasing contract. This function is only available if you create a CI after purchasing a service item. That CI can be automatically assigned to the contract of the customer account that made the order in accordance with its price list for the selected product.

Read more: Add new Service Catalog item


CMDB – allow multiple leasing

In case you need to lease one CI multiple times to different contracts, it is now possible with the help of this function. Within the CI, it is necessary to mark the allow multiple leasing checkmark, and that CI will be possible to lease to multiple contracts. This is a good function for all those clients who have, for example, leasing equipment and maintenance service.

Read more: Contract - Leased CI


Comment classification

The function enables us to classify the comments within the ticket into certain groups, so that later it would be more flexible to use and easy to search for comments in a certain group. Groups are defined by ticket type and the administrator can set different classification structures according to the ticket type within the settings.

Read more: Comment classification

Read more: Comment item


Service Catalog – verify account

The Service Catalog function has been improved with the option of verifying the logged-in user. Verify Account -   If this option is enabled, then when ordering, the user must verify his account.

Read more: Add new Service Catalog item


Service Catalog - Depended service

A new option has been added Expand properties automatically – when this option is selected on the SSP, all order properties will be automatically displayed on the form.

Read more: Depended service


Contracts – expiry date graph

Contract management has been improved with a chart that allows you to filter the contract list. The chart shows contracts grouped by expiration date. They are grouped according to the following values: This month, Next month, Next three months, Next Six months, This year, Not defined.  Clicking on a column from the graph will filter the list of results.

Read more: Contract List


Email preview button on ticket form

An email preview button has been added in the comment box on the ticket form. By clicking on this button, the text of the default text template will be displayed. This function will help the agent to have a preview in which form the enduser will receive the email message.

Read more: Ticket Comments


Self Service Portal

Service Catalog search improvements

Function Service Catalog within SSP has been improved with new sort type – Popularity. If you use it, service items will be shown according to the number of orders.

Read more: Service Catalog



Service Catalog

Service Catalog has been improved with two enhancements – Option On Behalf of has been improved with new possibility – enabling on behalf of on order confirmation popup. Selected user on behalf of popup will be set up on all the items in the basket.   Another new option within Service Catalog is Hide category search on SSP - If this option is enabled, the category search field on the SSP within the service catalog will be hidden, but the search on the main service catalog per category will still be possible.

Read more: Global function settings


Ticket Templates

Within ticket templates, it is now possible to set access rights to a specific template. Also, in the list of available templates, the user will only see those templates for those entities that they have the right to see.

Read more: Ticket Data Templates


Knowledge Base

An option has been added to the knowledge base function -send only description – if this option is active, when sending articles to email, only the description of the article will be sent without other information from the selected kb article.

Read more: Global function settings


Entity views

Within the functionality of entity views, it is possible to sort views according to your own wishes with the help of the drag and drop mechanism.

Read more: Entity views


Entity Forms - force reCAPTCHA on anonymous forms

For anonymous forms, the possibility has been added that you can activate the reCAPTCHA key to protect yourself from unwanted spam tickets. if you select this checkbox you activate reCAPTCHA security on your form. If reCAPTCHA is enabled on the anonymous form level, it will be enabled on the public form level as well.

Read more: Create Entity Form Template


Email origin colors settings

Within the agent portal configuration, the possibility of setting different colors for the email origin has been added. This means, for example, if a ticket or comment was made via email, TO, CC, BCC FROM may have different colors for easier identification.

Read more: Agent portal configuration


Hide label on info fileds - property builder

The property builder component has been improved with the ability to hide the info field property label.

Read more: Custom Entity forms / Property editor


Checklist tag on text templates

From now on, within the text templates on the ticket, you can include information about the checklists on the ticket. You can display the first, last or all checklists on the ticket.

Read more: Email text template


Knowledge Base integration

Knowledge base integration allows you to create an embed KB article iframe with allowed origin and domains. The Knowledge base wizard will generate the necessary code that you need to insert in the desired place where you want to display the NSP Knowledge base widget. All public articles will be displayed in the widget with the possibility of login where you can see all articles in accordance with your rights.

Read more: KB integration


Info description on form fields

The entity editor has been improved with the option of adding descriptions for individual fields on forms. For example, if you have a field and you want to set an additional description of what the user should enter or how to fill it, now it is possible. The description can be displayed as a text below the field or an information icon with a tooltip description.

Read more: Add Entity Field


CI CSV import

The CI import functionality via CSV file has been improved with additional mapping options. Mandatory fields are now not required to be in the CSV file. If the mapped property is not in the file, when adding a new CI, the default value for the property will be taken, while in the case of updating an existing CI, the property will be ignored.

Read more: CI CSV Direct Import


Contract Management – contract types improvements

Contract management has been improved with the possibility of adding more child contract types in the tree structure.


Ticket management - user popup - column settings

Within column settings in user popup, two checkbox options have been added:  Show ticket summary columns - selecting this option in the assign popup on the ticket form will display a column with ticket statistics, the number of opened and closed tickets per agent. Show user status columns - by selecting this option in the assign popup on the ticket form, a column with the current status of the agent will be displayed.

Read more: Global function settings


Lime integration

Within the Nilex service platform, integration with the Lime CRM system has been added. It is possible to transfer ticket information to the Lime system and create a Lime ticket. It is also possible to change the ticket status in the Lime system. All operations are configured within Nilex triggers.


Agent portal configuration – internal domains

Within the settings of the agent portal, it is possible to define email account domains, which will be treated as internal users. When the internal filtering option is enabled, only those users who have a domain from the list of domains will be displayed in the list of internal users. In the internal domains field, you can enter the values of several separate domains;

If the field is empty, all users from the same organization as the logged-in user will be considered as internal.

Read more: Agent Portal Configuration


Roles and permissions

Within Roles and permission management permissions for Rest API, Triggers and Login history have been added.

Rest api methods can be controlled by access rights at the level of Read and Write permissions.

In the case of Trigger, more actions are covered, View, Add/Edit, Delta and Execute. If the user does not have the right to Execute, no trigger will be able to be executed. Permissions at the Person level define the possibility of viewing the login history and login details of an individual user, as well as the possibility of modifying group/organization membership.

Read more: Permissions - Entity Actions Tab


Customer Change Notes 11.3

Improvements/ Wishes / RFC's

Improvements/ Wishes / RFC's





API: getentitylistbyquery can now be used with SysEntitySlaConditionStage, SysEntitySLASummary, SysSLA, SysSLACondition, SysSLAConditionSLA, SysSLAConditionStage, SysSLAThreshold, SysSLAThresholdLevel, SysSlaTimerEvent


CMDB - Scheduled Import

Scheduled import - Name, Product and status are not mandatory to map any more. Text appears tot he right of the property where a value needs to be entered, If a property does not have a value then it will take the value from textfield.


Contact Management

Contract - Now it's possible to add subtypes to contracts.


Entity Editor

Entity Editor - Possibility to set information on each field as description or tooltip

REQ0012075, REQ0012281, REQ0012514

Entity Form Editor

Entity Editor - new settings on Form Type 'Anonymous User' - 'Force reCAPTCHA on form'


Entity Views - CI

Entity views, CI views - Now it's possible to switch orders on view through drag & drop.

REQ0011929, REQ0012556

Export Templates

Export templates - Invoice details - Service order items - Ticket Id should be referenced to SCO ticket type


Financial Management

Charging account improvements - Now it's possible to searc for begins with or contains also more then 20 accounts are visible.


Global Function Settings

In global function settings an option has been added to hide search bar in SSP category. Search in SSP - Service catalog has been improved, now you can search for Name, short decription, Service item number and category.


Global Function Settings

SC - In global function settings a new function has been added which disables on behalf of function in service items. When master on behalf of is active then on behalf of function is moved to cart. In cart before check out power user can select who the order is for.



When the user create or update the new KB the user/agent/group/role will get mail directly/choose the time that he want.



KB: Now it's possible to edit KB Articles in status "Pending Approval"



Improvements to send Knowlegdebase (kb), now there is checkbox if you want to send just description or all fields.



SSP -  Added Leasing info to CI view on SSP by settings



Some improvements to Leased Ci in SSP and AP like add some e.x. add quantity input, fields and properties. To find out more please read the explanations in the comments field.



Roles & Permissions: New role setting 'Attachments delete, tab Attachments' to be able to delete attachments in the Attachments tab in ticket forms in Agent portal



Security improvement - Possible attachments in the system via an unauthorized link that is no longer available



Security Improvements - on Role added additional Permissions for Triggers and Persons



Security Improvement - Upload Photo from Register form removed, but Enduser can edit this in his profile after login


Service catalog

SC - Note in order confirmation has been changed from text field to text area instead.


Service Catalog

SC - Tab advanced service catalog is not visible unless license with advanced service catalog is active.

REQ0011863, REQ0012554

Service Catalog

SC, Info field - A checkbox has been added to the property which allows the user to hide the name. Name still needs to be entered for saving.


Service Catalog

SC - Now it possible to sort service item after popularity and date created.


Service Catalog

SC - Now it possible to preset task template for service items. In ticket settings for service item a new button has been added where you can select task template for it. After service item has been approved in the SCO ticket that has been created select templated will be added to it.


Service Catalog

SC - In service item a checkbox has been added which enables account verification in SSP. Service items that has it active will need to verify account with one of the options before the service item can be added to cart.


Service Catalog

In service item, ticket setting another option has been added: Automatic lease enabled. If create CI after purchase is active then automatic lease can be enabled. When enabled approved service items will create the CI with status leased and link it to latest active leasing contract.

REQ0007831, REQ0012581

SSP - Submit Tickets

SSP, Submit Ticket: It is now not possible to select a category that is set as 'Not selectable' in Global Configurations

REQ0011903, REQ0011619

Task Views

Views Tasks - implementation of info panel



Teams - Webchat add custom image


Text Templates

Text Templates - Checklist tags added on Email text templates


Ticket Data Template

Ticket Data Templates: You can now set permission scopes for Ticket Data Templates (complement to existing check of permission scopes for entity forms)


Ticket Entity

Ticket - comment classifcations


Ticket Form

Ticket form - new button on top 'Ticket graphical status workflow'. Status workflow Icon configuration is on entity status stages in Endity Editor

REQ0011545, REQ0011561, REQ0012577, REQ0011171

Ticket Form

Ticket form - select assignee pop up - new global settings to hide columns for ticket summary columns and user statuscolumn. Default settings is checked = show columns


Ticket Form

Ticket - new Emal Preview button


Ticket Form - tab Organization

AP Ticket form: In Organization tab, Export (to PDF / Excel) and Print buttons are reimplemented after component changes


Trigger For Closed Tickets

EnableTriggerForClosedTicket flag logic has additional changes implemented from NSP


Order Management

Masterticket - Ticket created showed information in English when ordering trough cart.






API: getentitylistbyquery returned BaseEntitySource in English regardless of chosen language



API: getentitylistbyquery returned an error if you used "Columns" together with "loadDynamicProperties" and "loadExtraReferenceDetails"


Approval flow

Approval flow - Approval flow could not be saved in name contained more then 64 characters.



Billboard: Attachments on an announcement disappeared after re-editing the announcement. Also problems with uploading/deleting attachments if you did it in Edit mode.



CMDB - Select user in popup window for sued by and managed by could not be saved.



CMDB - System properties can be set as mandatory.


CMDB - CI Views

CI views - CI view was empty if condition was set as CI group

REQ0011197, REQ0011105, REQ0007655

CMDB - CI Views

CI views - Searching through grid showed more results then in the beginning and filter was ignored.


Document Templates

SCO tickets document template would not export correct format if subject contained +, and name pattern for document template was chosen as baseheader.


Elastic Search

Elasticsearch: Corrections for phrase search within double quotes in second tab "Ticket Search"


Elastic Search

Elasticsearch: If searching for a Person object and the user profile image reference was invalid, then the search failed and the loading icon did not disappear


Elastic Search

Elasticsearch: Corrections for phrase search within double quotes in second tab "Ticket Search"


Email - Maintenancehost

Maintenancehost - mail send in plain text to NSP - was not correct formatted in ticket description or comment


Email configuration

Email configuration using EWS - it was not possible to unmark checkbox 'Use SMTP to send emails' and save.

REQ0012475, REQ0011934

Email configuration

Email Configuration - Microsoft Graph - Maintenancehost did not convert attachements of files of type *.msg into NSP


Entity Jobs

Entity Jobs: Problem with changing scheduled time for some languages. Time was for example set to 00.00 in Norwegian.


Financial Management

In financial management, Worklog limited to 19 customer accounts


Global configuration PowerUser

Global configurations - PowerUser Configuration - settings for 'Show organization link in SSP' was ignored. If settings is not enabled then 2 views (Open tickets in organization + Closed tickets in organization) are not shown on SSP.



In KB, searched KB article from the ticket took long time



Knowledgebase - Email message to group - members removed from group received email anyway


Login configuration

Login Configurations: If only Email was configured as 2FA method, the user was still presented with configuration for both Email and SMS at first login



In IPhone application, the user can’t add worklog, ci and task.



I mobil, cmdb-typ, vid val av CI-typ i appen syns alla Ci-typer som vi avaktiverat i NSP.



Notifcation with direct link to ticket - redirect to access denied site was missing if person had no permission to the ticket


Order management

Create CI after purchase - Mapping Ticket reference number now shows value in created CI.


Order Management

When cart is disabled, in service item add to cart button still appeared.


Order Management

Cart - Edit service item in cart took the user to front page if tab Orders was inactivated.


Report (standard)

In standard report, the language still in English even though the language in user profile in Norwegian or Swedish.


Report (standard)

Survey standard report: Graphics and date filter was not working correctly


Report Templates

Report Template - Reports with large amounts of data resulted in a Time Out and the report could not be displayed


Report Templates

Report Templates (scheduled) - report was not sent out if report includes fields like 'comment count' etc or user defined fields type number etc and field values were NULL



SSP: The word 'Cancel' was misspelled as 'ZCancel' in some dialogs


SSP - Billboard

SSP, Billboard: It was not possible to download attachments even though permission for this was set in Permission schemas


SSP - Custom Links

SSP: Widget for 'Custom links' were only shown in SSP if you also have permissions to see Billboard


SSP - Custom Views

SSP, Custom views: Search function erroneously returned zero results, depending on which ticket view page you were standing on when searching


SSP - Order

Cart - Loader has been added to cart


SSP - Service Catalog

SC - No users were shown in pop up window through magnifying glass 'on behalf of'.

REQ0008873, REQ0011755

SSP - Submit Tickets

SSP, Submit Ticket: Now a check is made of the number of characters that are entered in a field with limited length


SSP - Submit Tickets

SSP, Submit Ticket: If Category field was placed inside a group box, then the search popup did not list any categories

REQ0013008, REQ0011833, REQ0012401

SSP - Ticket Views

SSP, Ticket Views: Some ticket views did not match the configurations. Only 4 columns were shown, and most notably, TicketId was missing

REQ0012495, REQ0012978, REQ0012689

SSP - Ticket Views

SSP My Tickets - Ticket list was not loaded if field priority was shown as column and if tickets had no priority


SSP - Ticket Views

SSP, Ticket Views: Some ticket views did not match the configurations. Only 4 columns were shown, and most notably, TicketId was missing

REQ0012834, REQ0012833

Text Templates

Text Template (target comment / email) - Ticket CC field tag did return ID instead of persons name


Ticket - Checklist

Ticket: Checklist textt cannot be saved if the text is too long, but NSP did not show any info about it. NSP is now displaying a message.


Ticket - SMS

AP Ticket form, SMS: SMS was not sent to some phone number formats because of problem with handling of country code


Ticket Data Template

Ticket Data Template Categories - was not possible to edit top node of category


Ticket Form

AP Ticket form: Status values could be transferred from one ticket to another if you were to fast in changing tab to another ticket after saving status. The ticket could then be saved with a status that did not belong to the entity or status flow.


Ticket Form

AP Ticket, Advanced mode: Long CC names/addresses made the text box go outside of the list component, and could hide the search button


Ticket Views

Agent portal, Ticket views: After search in Elasticsearch too many tickets were suddenly shown in view with filter 'in my groups'.

REQ0013006, REQ0011700

Ticket Views

Ticket View List could be distorted if there was a big image in last comment created by email in ticket

REQ0013023, REQ0012748


Triggers - could be saved if CC field was included in trigger action set field CC - Internal Server Error 500


Order Management

Masterticket - Ticket created showed information in English when ordering trough cart.



In worklog, even though the user/requester not a member in customer account he still can add worklog from ticket