Released December 2023
This feature allows integration with Atea E-shop ( If enabled, it allows for the integration of defined Atea products within the Service catalog on SSP. For this feature to work correctly, Atea agents need to provide you with the (File Transfer Protocol) settings for valid connection between the two systems.
You can access this setting at:
Configuration> Channels and Integration > Integration Settings > Atea Register
JIRA is a functional management tool that tracks errors, tasks, project management and reporting. The purpose of integrating with NSP is to ensure that similar records are created in both environments. Content developed on NSP or JIRA will therefore be moved to the other platform. For instance, a ticket created in NSP is also moved to JIRA. Or, when a comment is written on a ticket on JIRA, it is possible to write a comment on same ticket on NSP.
This function allows integration with Flex HR service which will simplify the process of updating personnel information but also ensures that the changes are reflected in the company's Active Directory (AD) system promptly and securely.
1.Flex HR Personnel Update:
When personnel information is updated in Flex HR—whether it's a change in contact details, job roles, or any other relevant data—the system triggers an automated process to communicate these changes to the NSP ITSM service.
2.Ticket Creation in NSP:
NSP creates a service ticket to log and track the personnel update request. This ticket serves as a record of the change, including details such as the nature of the update, timestamp, and the employee's information.
3.AD Update:
Simultaneously, NSP communicates with the company's Active Directory to implement the approved changes. This ensures that the AD system is kept up-to-date with the latest personnel information, reflecting the changes made in Flex HR accurately.
4.Automated Tracking and Notifications:
Throughout the process, automated tracking mechanisms within NSP monitor the status of the ticket. Notifications can be configured to alert relevant stakeholders of successful updates or any issues that may require attention. In the ticket that is created after successfully updating , a new comment with all necessary information (successfully or not) will be created.
Read more: Flex HR
This feature will enable IBM Netcool to create tickets within the NSP. Ticket creation will be done through a specialized API method. The following payload needs to be passed from IBM Netcool.
POST api/publicapi/saveentity
"EntityType": "Ticket",
"BaseHeader": "Create new ticket",
"PriorityId": 7,
"CategoryId": 7,
"BaseEntityStatusId": 1,
"AgentGroupId": 1,
"BaseEntitySource": 1,
"FormId": 1,
"BaseDescription": "New ticket via <strong>API</strong>"
In this version, the translation processing system for service orders and service order properties has been improved. With this improvement, the system gets better performance, search speed for orders, etc. This update will be automatically added under software updates within the configuration, so it must be accepted in order to be installed.
This feature enables administrators to customize the appearance, content, and user restrictions to the NSP Self Service Portal by adding folders, internal and external links, which will reflect on the SSP homepage navigation section.
SSP Navigation section in Administrator portal shows the list of available navigation items and CTA button Add SSP Navigation item.
This list contains a dropdown action for each listed item. Standard actions for each navigation item are:
Edit: Used to edit all item details (Link details, Link type and Access scope)
Activate/Deactivate: This option is used to activate/deactivate configuration.
Delete: This option is used to delete items.
Add subtype: Available only for folders.
Clicking Add SSP Navigation item opens pop-up window with 3 steps: 1) Link details, 2) Link type and 3) Access scope.
The document templates function has been expanded with options for generating barcodes and QR codes. On the basis of some data from the entity, you can use this function, for example, to print labels for your inventory. The process for creating a barcode document template follows the same steps like adding an Document Template.The template feature allows you to export entity information from the NSP system to a document. When an entity is exported all tags are replaced with data from the selected entity and you have a choice of four different barcodes, depending on the type format. Currently the library supports generation of the following types of barcodes and QR codes:
QR code is a two-dimensional barcode that can store a variety of data types, including numeric, alphanumeric, and special characters.
EAN-8 is a 8-digit numerical code that provides a unique product identifier.
EAN-13 is a 13-digit numerical code that provides a unique product identifier.
Code 128 is high-density, alphanumeric symbology capable of encoding all 128 ASCII characters.
Read more: Barcode & QR Document Template
This feature enables administrators to configure and customize the serial number pattern for each of the entity types by choosing the property type of your preference.
To access Serial numbers page, go to Configurations > Entity Management > Serial Numbers.
The page shows the grid with the list of all available entities. The grid has the following columns: Entity type, Serial number pattern, and Last generated serial number.
To configure the serial number pattern, hover the entity and click the Configure action. The pop-up opens, and you start selecting the properties you want to add to your pattern.
Serial number form
Properties that can be used for configuration of these patterns are as follows:
•Current day with time zone
•Current month with time zone
•Current year with time zone
•Current hour
•Current minute
•Current second
•Global increment
•Annual increment
•Monthly increment
•Daily increment
•Entity creation year
•Entity creation month
•Entity creation day
•Entity creation hour
•Entity creation minute
•Entity creation second
Serial number patterns can be configured for the following entities:
•Child tickets
•Cost centers
•Knowledge base
•Lased Ci
•Product categories
•Ticket cancellation
The serial number form automatically detects your chosen properties, so that you can preview the serial number before generating it.
Serial number form
Read more: Serial number
The status configure function allows you to set access rights over a certain status which are used on entities - CI, Knowledge Base and Contracts. For example, if you have the status Disposed within the CI entity, and when you set the permission for a certain group, only members of that group can switch the CI to that status. For other users, that CI can be displayed in read-only mode.
Read more: Statuses
Within the login configuration for privacy settings, the possibility of defining the time interval for OTP code validity has been added, previously the value was 120 seconds, and from this version the system administrator can set how long he wants an OTP code to be valid.
Read more: OTP code expiration
WIithin propertis Date and time, it has been added validation for entered values. In case you have a date and time property, the Date time validation action will appear in the settings. Clicking on the button will open a popup where you can set absolute or relative min and max values. In the case of absolute values, you can choose the dates that will be set for the min and max values. In the case of relative, you can use standard tags such as @Today, @Now, @UtcNow. By combining these tags and values, you can dynamically calculate the date, for example @Today-5d. This value will mean from the current date minus five days.
Read more: Date and time limitations
For security reasons, the extension disallow list functionality has been removed. The setting is excluding by itself, which means that you either define which files the system should allow.
SSP configurations have been improved with the option of setting a default sort order for service catalog items within the Self Service Portal.
Global settings for KB articles have been improved with option – set status to pending approval on article edit - If this option is enabled, the state of article changes to Pending Approval when the article is edited. However, this setting will be ignored if “Approve not needed” option is active.
Read more: Set status on article
Global settings for Contracts have been improved with option- Show contract CI price on grid – Selecting this option will show a CI associated price in a grid view.
Read more: Show contract CI price
Within View for tickts In Entity management, a new option has been made: checkbox Collapsed view when grouped (by parameter you choose) that allows you to auto-collapse grid rows for the selected view.
Read more: Views for tickets and tasks
Within Knowledge base categories there is new option available – possibility to mark certain categories that will not be visible on SSP.
Within Billboard categories there is new option available – possibility to mark certain categories that will not be visible on SSP.
Within Financial integration settings, a new option has been added - Validate customer account. If this option is enabled, p when shopping on the self-service portal, within the check out page, the financial customer account will be validated with the selected NSP customer account. If the values are not identical, it will not be possible to make a purchase.
Read more: Financial
A new option is developed within global function settings for announcements - Hide category search on SSP – If enabled, the category search field on the SSP within the Announcements will be hidden, but the search on the main table per category will still be possible. The same option is now available for Knowledge Base.
Read more: Global function settings
The calculation mechanism has been improved in order to obtain better performance of the function itself. The logic by which the calculation is made is based on invoice start date that marks the beginning from which cyclical invoices will be generated. The first invoice is generated on the start date of the cycle, and subsequently, each next invoice is generated after the cyclical criteria are met (for example, 1st day in the next month, the second Wednesday of the next month, etc.)
A new option in system log settings is available - Prevent Sign-in if loggning in not enabled. If this option is activated, users will not be able to log in to the system if the audit monitoring system (change log for tickets, Cis, Knowledge Base etc) is not functioning.
This feature allows you to set the access scope for specific entities, users and actions, such as Add, Export, Import, etc. Currently, the setting can only be applied to the agent portal and for this specific list of entities and related actions:
Knowledge base (Articles): Add
CMDB: Import, List Import, List Export, Add
Contracts: Add, List Export
Products: Add
Read more: Entity functions
Adding this setting, allows users to receive logs in their Windows Event Viever, when any of the following actions is performed:
•when someone successfully logs in
•when someone logs out
•when someone tries to log in unsuccessfully
•when someone's account is locked due to failed login attempts
•when a user is created
•when the user is deleted
•when someone changes their password
•when system logs are turned on or off
•when something changes in the settings
•when anything is loaded from the database
•when anything is entered into the database
•when anything is deleted from the database
•when setting and changing anything an access rule (entity, global, UI)
•when a permission scope membership is changed
Read more: NSP Logs integration
Agent portal
CMDB has been improved with new option for locking CI. If a CI is opened by another user when you open it, the system will let you know this by posting a message. However, both users can still change it.
If you want to lock the CI so that another user can view the content, but not being able to make any changes to it, click the lock icon in the CI form:
You get a message in the upper right corner that the CI is locked by you. This works both in View and Edit mode. At the top of CI form the lock is indicated by color mark on lock icon and a text information with information which user has locked it.
When other users open the CI, they will get information in the text above and the color mark of the icon. They cannot make any changes, e g save comments, change status, insert links to other CIs, tickets or KB article, create tasks and worklogs, etc.
All agents can unlock CIs they have locked themselves. Click the lock icon again. You get a message that the CI is unlocked and the color mark on icon is switched off. If you have the locked CI opened in Edit mode, you need to close and reopen the CI form to unlock all CI fields.
Agents can have permission to unlock CIs that another agent has locked, if this permission is entitled to the agent role.
The existing lock ticket function has been improved with the possibility of historical review of changes to this action. In fact, within the ticket lock remark, you can get a display of all ticket unlocking/locking by users, as well as the time of the action and the accompanying remark message that can be left when performing one of those two actions.
The report templates function has been improved with an additional permission within the roles and permission - Create self reports. If the agent has this permission, he will be able to create his own reports without the need for the report to be created by the admin and assigned to that agent.
The staff calendar has been improved with a timeline layout option that presents a more streamlined view without the hours of the day.
Read more: Staff calendar settings
This tab displays a list of access permissions for various membership levels and scopes. Here, the user may select members who are authorized to access the selected CI. A member of a group can be any item from the offered list of scopes. For example - scope Support is a member of the Nilex organization, and therefore all users who are members of the scope Support are indirectly members of the Nilex organization as well. Same user can be a member of multiple groups.
After selecting a CI from the CMDB and the tab Members, the user is shown a list of Membership levels which need to be set (the example below shows the form when CI named Wifi has been selected).
Tab Members for CI (example)
When you have a reference to the CI field within a ticket or some other entity, in the options you will get the possibility to display only Cis where the user is assigned as a member of.
Read more: CI members
Service Catalog has been improved with possibility for certain products and services to have multiple variants for the same service item.
These service items are considered as a variation of the selected service item with possibility to add additional variations. This means that the product may be available in different colours, price, technical characteristics e.g.
Detail view of the product with multiple variants contains the overview of available options. Choose the desired variant by simply clicking on it.
Read more: Service variations
Within the ticket view, a new option has been added when posting a comment. if the ticket has already added linked tickets, the option to save the same comment to all linked tickets will be displayed in the comment area.
Within Contracts, CMDB, Knowledge base and Ticket simple view the change has been made in appearance of menu with action buttons. Instead of all buttons visible in one line, now there are only visible first couple of actions and the rest is available in dropdown meny. This change was implemented for easier overview of available actions.
Self Service Portal
Sevice Catalog within Self Service Portal has been improved with possibility to cancel an order. The Cancel order button allows users to cancel their orders. It is located in the lower right corner of the Order form.
Canceling is possible at any moment provided the order status is Pending for approval or Mixed.
Users can cancel their order without restrictions until all order items are approved.
Important note: Canceling affects the entire order and all order items. If users decide to cancel the order, they will be asked to leave a comment/remark.
To proceed with cancelation, click Submit. If you want to abort the cancellation, click Cancel.
Canceling the order does not require administrative approval and will take effect immediately after submitting the request.
In previous versions, if the Agent user created a ticket on the SSP, he did not have the possibility to receive notifications about the ticket creation. Since this version, improvements have been made in the notification management and the user type Agent will be able to receive notifications about the ticket created through SSP.
Self Service portal widgets – Knowledge Base, Service Catalog and Announcements are enhanced with the function of promoting on fist page, which means that if you activate this option on the item, it will be displayed inside the widget. By using this function, you can control which objects you can display in widgets.
Within the list of Knowledge base articles on Self Service Portal, a new filter was added, sort by number of views. By choosing this, the user will get KB articles sorting according to the number of readings.
If the sidebar on the service item view on SSP has no data, it will be hidden so that it does not take up space on the screen.
New feature available on Self Service Portal for Tickets, Cis and Contracts – possibility to export previous mentioned objects as list in Excel or PDF format (by clicking on the Excel or PDF icon).
Customer Change Notes 11.7
Improvements/ Wishes / RFC's |
Category |
Description |
REQ0015667 |
Agent Portal |
Roles & Permissions: New role permission in tab "Entity actions" for unlocking all CIs. Possibility to add a remark when locking a ticket, and to list remarks via a new button. |
REQ0015870 |
Agent Portal |
Avtal, CMDB, KB, Produkter, SC - Action buttons have been reduced and have been added to a dropdown list. |
REQ0015872 |
Agent Portal |
Status - Options has been added to limit who can change to a specific status, and that status disappears as selectable after changing to it once. Checkbox has been so users that don't have permission to work with a specific status can only read and not change. |
REQ0014555 |
Agent Portal |
Tickets: Possibility to send comments to all linked tickets. New button on ticket form 'Add comment to linked tickets. |
REQ0016234 |
API: URLs in log files contained sensitive data and sensitive information like usernames and passwords were exposed in plain text during the logging process. This is changed now and sensitive date is hidden and replaced with asteriks (*). |
REQ0015572 |
CHANNELS AND INTEGRATIONS: API Keys (that for example can be used with Public API) now have an "Expiry Time" setting with values 7, 30, 90, 365 days or Never |
REQ0015571 |
Application |
Properties - New option has been added to property Date and Date time picker Date validation. It's possible to define earliest date and max date to select. |
REQ0015141, REQ0015668 |
Calendar |
Calendar: In the Staff calendar settings you can now choose to show the calendar as a timeline view with better overview of multiple agents at the same time |
REQ0015950 |
CI Import |
Maintenance host - Improvements to maintenance host. |
Uservoice |
CI Views |
Added possibility to multiupdate. |
REQ0015578, REQ0013594 |
CI - In CI a new tab has been added Members. In members you can set who should see this CI when reporting tickets, in CMDB multiupdate has been added for members. In entity editor a new options has been added to property CI, Limit by members on SSP. When this is active, in SSP when user select CI only CI where they are set as member will be shown. In assets new view has been added Filter by membership. |
REQ0015838 |
Contract Management |
Edit Details Contract Covered Cis. Also show contract CI price on grid. |
REQ0015766 |
Dashboard |
Dashboard: Improvements added for left menu My latest updated tickets. It is now wrapped with isolatedText that will not allow bad CSS and HTML from listed tickets in order to break the dashboard layout. |
REQ0015669 |
Document templates |
Document templates / Exportmallar: It is now possible to use barcodes and QR codes in document templates and export templates |
REQ0015804 |
Entity Editor |
SSP Form image on SSP Submit Ticket - Hyphen is removed if there is no text description on SSP form |
REQ0015850 |
Entity Management |
Serial Numbers - Possible to create reference number pattern on several entities like Tickets, CMDB, Contracts, Knowlegdebase etc. New system field on Entities is EntitySerialNumber |
REQ0015377 |
Extension Management |
File extensions: Improvements for analyzing file contents. For example .pngx files are allowed if .png and .pngx are allowed extensions, and the .pngx file's content is .png |
REQ0015400, REQ0015359, REQ0015287 |
Extension Management |
Email with attachment: By Design: Attached files without a known file extension are not allowed in NSP and notification for disallowed attachments was sent out automatically. It is now possible to turn off the notification in the system if it is unwanted |
REQ0015580 |
Extension Management |
Extension Management: The option "Disallow" is removed (unless already used in configuration). The "Allowed extensions" field is now mandatory. |
REQ0015869, Uservoice |
Global Function Settings |
KB Settings to hide Category Tree View search on SSP |
REQ0015836 |
Integrations |
SC - Import of Service items through atea e-shop with xml. |
REQ0015576 |
Knowledge Base Management |
Add new Global Function Settings to KB: Set status to pending approval on article edit |
REQ0015575 |
Login Configuration |
Login Configuration, Policy: New setting for OTP code expiration time for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) |
REQ0015591 |
Maintenancehost |
Maintenancehost Resend mail - improvement for settings ”NotficationResendPeriodInDays” = 7 - resend was interrupted and email remained in Database. MH tries to resend every 10 minutes for period of 7 days regarding to settings |
REQ0015954, REQ0015396 |
Maintenancehost/ NNS |
Maintenance host - Improvements to maintenance host. |
REQ0015920 |
Performance |
Ticket Link KB Article: Performance improvements in Ticket tab Link KB Article |
REQ0014525, REQ0015967, REQ0016013, REQ0016054, REQ0015500 |
Performance |
Performance improvements in Agent Portal when saving tickets, load comments etc |
REQ0015666 |
Report Templates |
Roles & Permissions: New role permissions for Reports in tab Entity Actions: "Create and edit only own Report", "Create and edit all reports" |
REQ0015875 |
Roles |
Roles: Earlier Role permission for Agents - Availability of entities shown in ADD+ create ticket in Agentportal and Submit Ticket on SSP is changed. From 11.4 available entities were determined by both role levels Agent + Enduser. Now from 11.7 it's separated and Agent role is applied only in Agentportal and Enduser role is only applied on SSP. |
REQ0015744 |
Service catalog |
Improvements for translation model in Service catalog - order management. |
REQ0015871 |
Service catalog |
Order (SSP) - Enduser can cancel their orders as long as it is in pending approval. |
REQ0015573 |
Service catalog |
SC - In Service item, new property has been added Short name and Not listable on SSP and in Related & included services new tab has been added Service item variations. Short name is listed in service item beneath description and will list service items that have been added to variations. If service item is marked as Not listable in SSP then it will not show up in Service catalog in SSP but will appear in service items where it is set as variation. |
REQ0015577 |
Service catalog |
SCO ticket - View order information link at the bottom of ticket has been removed, and a icon has been added at the top of the ticket. |
REQ0015837 |
SSP Configurations |
SSP Configurations: New settings for displaying / hiding widgets on home page |
REQ0015552 |
SSP Configurations |
SSP Theme improvements color settings (Accent color and Secondary color) |
REQ0015910 |
SSP, Assets |
Assets - Export buttons have been added PDF and excel. |
REQ0015909 |
SSP, knowledgebank |
KB - Add sorting by number of views |
REQ0015719 |
SSP, Self Service Portal |
Navigation Mangement: SSP Dashboard Links (Storefront Themes) |
REQ0015868 |
SSP, Self Service Portal |
Billboard and KB Categories - new option 'Hide from Self Service Portal' |
REQ0015944 |
SSP, Self Service Portal |
SSP Ticket views: The header for view name is now made wider to fit more text |
REQ0015579 |
SSP, Self Service Portal |
New flag 'Featured' to following entities that are displayed on SSP: Knowledge Base, Service Catalog, Announcements. Use this flag to sort and show featured items first. |
REQ0015528 |
SSP, Self Service Portal |
SSP Tickets - Mandatory stages on fields will be ignored when tickets will be closed on SSP |
REQ0015670 |
SSP, Service Catalog |
SC - When disable ordering is active right panel is removed in SSP. |
REQ0015574 |
SSP, Service Catalog |
SC/Order - In SSP configuration under settings. Two options have been added for SC/Order, In order to view by orders or items and Service catalog to sort by ex date, popularity etc. |
REQ0015671 |
System Log |
System log: New setting "Prevent Sign-in if logging is not enabled" (Only users with SuperAdmin role can then log in) |
REQ0016036 |
System Log |
NSP Logs integration with Windows Event Log |
REQ0015942, REQ0015344 |
Triggers |
Trigger: Comment added by trigger - auhtor of comment will always be set to systemadministrator sadmin on ticket |
REQ0015476 |
Triggers |
Error message replaced by information on SSP if Trigger Mail Link execution failed because of missing permission in role. |
REQ0014741 |
Triggers |
API trigger new method for taking subject for last email and will return the string of subject for latest comment. Method api.GetLatestTicketEmailSubject(record) |
REQ0014553 |
Views |
New settings in Views - Collapsed view when grouped |
Service catalog |
SC - In service item property service type has been added. When set as regular serviec item works as normal, if financial/faciliate is active, another option is added to service type: CI report by faciliate and financial. When this is selected, financial and faciliate need to marked for SI. For this to work there needs to be a CI in CMDB that matches value from faciliate/finacial which will be chosen for service item. After ordering this serviec item user will get the option to make an excel export on that CI. |
CMDB - Data Missmatch has been added to CI visible as default (can be set as hidden), When financial is active user has to setup Validate exisitng data xml. After it has been set up user can start a validate sync Or via GET endpoint. ENTERSSPURL/Public/ValidateExistingFinancialDataSync which will check if there are missmatch between CI and xml file. In CI view you can setup to see CI with missmatch and multiupdate financial. |
Bugs | ||
REQ0015407 |
Agent Portal |
AP Ticket form: When removing CI link from ticket, the confirmation dialog did not close automatically |
REQ0016230 |
Agent Portal |
Ticket Restricted Mode: There was an incorrect check on hidden mandatory fields with visibility conditions on statusstages and the ticket could not be saved in restricted mode. |
REQ0016314 |
Agent Portal |
AP Ticket form: If the field AD Manager was included in the Person form, then it could take a lot of time to load the Requester tab in a ticket |
REQ0015693 |
Agent Portal |
AP Ticket form: In tab "Attachments" sometimes a wrong user was logged for adding an attachment |
REQ0016247 |
Agent Portal |
AP Ticket form: When adding attachments in Attachments tab, these were not immediately shown when switching to Comments tab. You had to close and reopen the ticket form. |
REQ0015597 |
Powershell and RestAPI - security alias checker implemented |
REQ0015477 |
API: getentitytypeinfo did not show correct types in the field ReferenceType for various CI fields |
REQ0015698 |
API: It was not possible to clear / delete a Dynamic Property value on a CI with saveentity. Now you can set the value to "null" (without double quotes). |
REQ0012640 |
API: getentitytypeinfo did not always show correct types in the field ReferenceType because the wrong base table was checked |
REQ0015655 |
Approval Flows |
Global function setting - Too many options where shown for PRO license. |
REQ0015218 |
Approval Flows |
Orders - It took long time to load orders in approval center. |
REQ0011131 |
Calendar Agent |
External Calendar: Problems with searching for users and adding them as participants via popup |
REQ0016297 |
Calendar Agent |
External Calendar: When adding participant to event, mail invite was not sent |
REQ0015768 |
Calendar Agent |
Calendar: The Ticket Calendar could not be loaded because an error occurred |
REQ0016233 |
CI Export |
CMDB - Export could fail when some characters where included. |
REQ0015611 |
CI Import |
CMDB - Advanced export, export did not start if properties from meta data information were selected. |
REQ0015353 |
CI Import |
Maintenance host - Improvements to maintenance host. |
REQ0015558 |
CMDB - When editing CI radio button option appeared as empty. |
REQ0014537, REQ0014801 |
CMDB - Search did not work if purchase price/purchase date wa marked as searchable. Searchable has been removed for those field. |
REQ0016049 |
Views - CI group was shown as id instead of name. |
REQ0015752 |
Custom Links |
Custom Links: New Links couldn't be added or edited because translation keys were truncated on database level |
REQ0010461, REQ0010920 |
People |
People: When creating an enduser in the Agent portal, the checkbox "Disable automatic password Notification on End User creation" did not work as expected |
REQ0015607 |
Entity Editor |
AP Ticket form: Multiselect fields were not always validated correctly when configured as mandatory fields |
REQ0015645 |
Entity Editor |
SSP, Ticket form: Radio buttons got width 33% even though another width (e.g. 100%) was specified in form editor |
REQ0015357 |
Entity Editor |
Agentportal Entity Stage config: It was not possible to add ticket initially with stage New and associated status Registered in agentportal if stage New was not included in Allowed Stages. |
REQ0014563 |
Entity Editor |
SSP Ticket form: Visibility conditions on fields could cause some fields to be erroneously positioned |
REQ0016132 |
Entity Editor |
AP Ticket form: If a boolean (checkbox) field was set as mandatory for a stage (e.g. "Closed"), then it was still possible to close the ticket without marking the checkbox |
REQ0015338 |
Export templates |
Export templates - If condition was set to own created property then export fialed. |
REQ0016220 |
GDPR: Previously accepted General Agreement could not be revoked when changing the agreement text |
REQ0011773 |
Knowledgebank |
The user could open the knowledge base that they are not authorized to access and they could see some information about it, such as the title, ID, and date |
REQ0015886 |
Knowledgebank |
Report template KB field 'Number of views' were missing |
REQ0015144, REQ0015150 |
LDAP Sync settings |
LDAP: Issue with some users getting wrong street address |
REQ0016139 |
Leasing |
Leasing: In financial management for leased capital items (CI), the user could not terminate the lease for the CI |
REQ0015642 |
Login Configuration |
SSP: In Two-Factor Authentication settings, some texts were not translated from English |
REQ0014428 |
Login Configuration |
Login Configuration: It was not possible to delete obsolete provider records for external login methods |
REQ0016296 |
Login Configuration |
Login: If account was locked e.g. for 15 minutes after 5 failed login attempts, then when the account was unlocked, it could be locked again after an additional failed login (instead of 5 new) |
REQ0014208 |
Mobile, iOS |
Mobile: Created date and Updated date were not shown on the task ticket in the app. |
REQ0015081 |
Notifications |
Maintenancehost: Sometimes MH didn't recognize "ticket identifier + ticket no" if only exist in body text in incoming mail. MH did create a new ticket instead to connect to existing |
REQ0015049 |
Order Management |
Order management - In some cases wrong name was shown for properties, system name instead of name that was set on property. |
REQ0016090 |
Report Templates |
Report templates: Excel report contained an extra blank column that broke at column G. The problem has been fixed |
REQ0015823 |
Report Templates |
Report templates: Different date columns were shown with different date formats |
REQ0016143 |
Reports (Standard) |
SLA/OLA Dashboard in standardsreoprt return error messages |
REQ0015953 |
Roles |
People: Permission for "Roles & permissions" is now checked for "MANAGE -> People -> Roles" also. Additional permission setting is added for tab "User Type". |
REQ0015825 |
Search (Full text) |
Searching: Data about completed indexing job runs were not cleared afterwards, and could give performance problems in the long run |
REQ0015078, REQ0014277, REQ0014357, REQ0014268 |
Service catalog |
Order management - In some cases wrong name was shown for properties, system name instead of name that was set on property. |
REQ0015363, REQ0014639, REQ0014353 |
Service catalog |
SCO - In tab task list subject was shown as empty. |
REQ0015849 |
Service catalog |
Orders/SCO - Sometimes SCO tickets was not created when service item was approved. |
REQ0015815 |
Service catalog |
SC - Sometimes translation did not go through and property did needed to be resaved. |
REQ0011273 |
Service catalog |
Order management - In export time was displayed in UTC instead of selected time. |
REQ0015874, REQ0014172 |
SSP, Assets |
Assets - Search did not work |
REQ0016149 |
SSP, knowledgebank |
SSP KB: Multi-keyword search in the article did not work correctly on SSP, but worked correctly in agentportal. |
REQ0015911 |
SSP, knowledgebank |
SSP KB public: Uploaded videos are not visible for anonymous users |
REQ0015649 |
SSP, Orders |
Orders/SCO - Sometimes SCO tickets was not created when service item was approved. |
REQ0015616, REQ0016156, REQ0015682 |
SSP, tickets |
SSP My Tickets: SCO - Manually / by mail created SCO tickets could not be opened in SSP. |
REQ0015490 |
SSP, tickets |
SSP Ticket Views: Filter on Organization / Requested By Organization didn't work |
REQ0015987 |
SSP, tickets |
SSP Submit Ticket: It was not possible to use the TAB key to navigate past a combobox |
REQ0012104 |
Surveys |
Standard Report - Survey Result Summary: the translation of the questions was controlled by the browser's language setting, but expected was the agents NSP language instead. |
REQ0013387 |
Tasks |
Ticket form: If you had a Task open in inline mode in the ticket and tried to save the ticket instead of the task, an error occurred and some fields were cleared |
REQ0015729 |
Tasks |
Tasks: The Category field did not show the category that was previously selected on the task |
REQ0012021, REQ0012375, REQ0012741 |
Ticket form |
AP Ticket form: When repeatedly editing ticket description and saving ticket without closing the form, the latest description was not saved. (It was logged in Ticket history though) |
REQ0016096 |
Ticket form |
AP Ticket form: In Simple mode, it was not possible to search for category via magnifying glass |
REQ0016117 |
Ticket form |
AP Ticket form: In Advanced mode the first comment could be very narrow depending on browser window size or zoom level etc |
REQ0015723 |
Ticket form |
API: When creating a comment on a ticket, sometimes the wrong user was saved as creator of the comment |
REQ0015733 |
Ticket form |
Ticket form: The panel "Pinned Comments" was always shown and took up a lot of space even when there were no pinned comments |
REQ0015750 |
Ticket form |
AP Ticket form, Advanced mode; Problem with searching for assignee via firstname followed by space character and then lastname in popup |
REQ0014777, REQ0014957 |
Views |
AP Ticket Views: You could only clone views recursively a limited number of times, because the internal view name in the database grew longer each time, and in the end an error occurred |
REQ0012362 |
Views |
Entity Management, Views: After cloning a view (without Superadmin role) and setting a scope you did not belong to, the view disappeared from the list and you could not edit it again |
REQ0013112 |
Views |
AP Ticket Views: View with condition "CC is logged-in user" only showed tickets where the logged-in user was the one and only CC recipient |
REQ0015915 |
Views |
Entity views - New views were not saved. |