News in NSP 11.0

Released 16/07/2021


Agent portal

Default approval flow in Service Catalog categories

It is now possible to set the default Approval flow for the service catalog category. This allows that the service item in the selected category can automatically inherit the selected approval flow. In this way, the user gets easier administration and maintenance of service item approval flows. In case that no approval flow is selected for the category, the default system approval flow applies.

Edit Associations popup

Read more: Service Catalog Categories


Customer account improvements – add members

Adding member on customer account has been enchased with possibility to choose user scope. A member of a customer account can be any item from the offered list of scopes. (eg scope Support is a member of the Nilex customer account, and therefore all users who are members of the scope of Support are indirectly members of the Nilex customer account). Same user can be member of multiple accounts. Adding/removing user as a member of customer account can be done as described in the section Scope Management. Access Scope can have other scope as member if it is a type of lower level.

Read more: Members of customer account

Read more: Scope Management


Multiple terminate CI leasings

The CI leasing function has been enhanced with the possibility to multiple terminate Cis on contract. In case you want to apply the same change on multiple Cis, you need to select them in the list and click the action terminate.

Read more: Contract - Leased CI


Email origin

Improvements have been made to ticket view – (tickets and comments overview) with information about email channels.

If the ticket was created via email then there is information to which email address the email was sent and whether the recipient from the email is marked as TO, CC or BCC.

If the ticket comment was created via email, here will be available information about all recipients as well as information to which email channel the email was sent.

Read more: Ticket description

Read more: Ticket comments


CI service on ticket

Ticket management has been improved with possibility to select CI as a property directly on the ticket form.

Read more: Ticket - Main properties


Norwegian person register

The function allows directly searching through person registered on the territory of Norway. By selecting the required person, all fields from the Norwegian person register can be mapped within the internal person entity on the NSP. You need initially to enable functionality to be able to map.

Agent Portal> Configuration> Channels and Integrations> Integration Settings> Norwegian person register

Enabled - function is enabled, the data import icon will be displayed in the header of person form.

Settings - opens a popup with settings parameter for Norwegian personal register.

1.  Insert the Audience - the issuer identifier of the Machine Port. The default value is given in the field description.

2.  Insert Issuer - Your own client_id.

3.  Insert Scope or list of scopes that the client requests. The default value is given in the field description. Use comma to separate scopes

4.  Insert Self test url. The default value is given in the field description.


Use Save button to save Norwegian personal register settings or Cancel to cancel form.

Read more: Norwegian person register


Norwegian organization register

The function allows directly searching through all organizations registered on the territory of Norway. By selecting the required organization, all fields from the Norwegian organization register can be mapped within the internal organization entity on the NSP. You need initially to enable functionality to be able to map. In case you do not select the values for mapping, there is a default mapping set.

Agent Portal-Configuration - Channels and Integrations - Integration Settings - Norwegian organization register

Enabled - function is enabled, the data import icon will be displayed in the header of organization form.

Update mapping - opens a popup with mapping fields.

The first column in the popup shows the fields from the NSP organization register and within the second column you select the fields with the values from the Norwegian register that will be mapped.

Norwegian organization register mapping

Read more: Norwegian organization register


Attachment tab in ticket view

Attachment tab shows a list of all attachments related to the tickets. Ticket attachments are divides into two groups: Comment attachments and Ticket attachments (description).

It is possible to attach a new file by clicking the Attach File button and selecting a file to upload. Allowed file extensions are defined by system configuration. You will get an error message if you try to attach a file of not allowed type, or too big. See Extension Management.

For each attachment you have actions in menu rightmost on row for downloading or deleting the existing attachment file.

Above the list you find filters. You can select attachments by Type (Ticket/Comment) and/or a specific date range when the attachment was created.

Search, sort, filter, paging and export features are available similar to other lists in NSP, see General User Interface.

Read more: Ticket attachments


Notification history tab

The history tab within the entity view has been enhanced with one new section – notification history. Notification history shows all notification emails and SMS that have been sent by the Article. For each notification recipients, message text, sent date and delivery status are displayed.

Notification history also contains Date Range filter. Use this filter to choose a time period and display all notifications sent in selected range.

Search and paging features are similar to other lists in NSP, see General User Interface|topic=General User Interface.

Read more: Article History tab

Read more: Contract history

Read more: CI history tab


CI views improvements

Within the Entity views function, there are defined system views in the system that are used in several places. System views allow us to adjust tabelar views according to our own preferences, for example, if you want to display ordered columns, a specific sort, and the number of displayed objects per page in the table.

There are the following system views:

   Covered Cis on contract

This system view will be displayed within the popup for linking certain CIs to the contract, more information about this popup can be found at the link!Documents/ag_036.htm


   Leased Cis

This system view will be displayed within the popup for selections those Cis that belong to some leasing plan on a leasing contract. You can see more information about this popup at the link!Documents/ag_108.htm


   Covered Cis on KB

This system view will be displayed within the popup for linking certain CI to the KB article, more information about this popup can be found at the link!Documents/ag_063.htm


   Linked Cis on tickets

This system view will be displayed within the popup for linking affected Cis on the ticket. This system view is displayed within the view mode and advanced mode of the ticket. You can see more information on the links:

View mode :!Documents/ag_093.htm

Advanced mode:!Documents/ag_015.htm

Read more: Entity views


Elastic search improvements

Within the elastic full text search function, the display of search results has been improved. Templates for ticket search results have been improved with additional parameters in the results list, such as plain text description up to 500 characters, assignee, etc. Additional parameters are shown in the figure below.

Search results display with new parameters


The display of search results for the knowledge base has also been improved. Among other things, the parameters type, group, category, etc. were added.

Search results display with new parameters



OpenID improvements

The OpenID external login method has been enhanced with the ability to add predefined parameters when sending an initial request to some external open id authority. You can set sending predefined parameters to the initial request according to some openID external authority by entering the name and value in the format that suits your needs, e.g. Name: Doxproject, value: demo.

Read more: External login methods


SMS modul

The main task of this function is delivering sms messages to specific phone numbers of the user. The content of the messages is defined according to the text templates above all entities. The purpose of the sms is notification, any information can be obtained, such as a new comment on the ticket, when the ticket is closed, etc. Sending messages is enabled via sms provider within NSP. Integrations were made with the following providers: Twillio, IP1Sms, CellSynt, Linkmobility, Sinch, Telavox, Nexmo, Telia Sergel and Telenor.

To access the SMS Accounts page, go to Configurations > Channels and Integrations SMS Accounts.

Following figure shows the SMS Accounts page:


SMS Accounts page mainly contains the list of configured SMS accounts. Functions for search, sort, filtering are similar to other lists in NSP, see section General User Interface.

The list has the columns:  NameDescription, Provider, IsActive and Default

  Name:  The name of SMS account

  Description:  The description of SMS account

  Provider: The provider of SMS account

  Is Active: The column contains if SMS account is active

  Default: The column contains if SMS account is default

Rightmost each row is action dropdown with following actions:

  Edit: This action is used to edit configured SMS account and its different settings. Clicking Edit button opens the respective Edit SMS form based on which service provider is configured for the SMS account.

  Set as default – This action set a SMS account as default. Note that only one from the configured SMS accounts can be defined as default.

  Activate/Deactivate – This action activate/deactivate SMS account.

  Delete: This action is used to delete the SMS account.

  Test SMS - This action is used to test whether the SMS account is configured correctly or not. Clicking this button will open a popup where you need to specify recipient phone number to which the test SMS should be sent from the configured SMS account.


Above the list is Add SMS account button.

Read more: SMS accounts


SSP themes improvements / colour contrasts

The functionality Themes within Self Service Portal has been improved in order to provide a more accessible user interface.

Theme editor

Theme editor form now offers possibility of defining theme Name, colors for Main color, Accent Color, Primary text color, Secondary text color, Non text color, Header text color, Footer background color, Footer text color, Full width layout, Background opacity and Background type.

Read more: Theme editor - SSP Configuration


Custom links

This feature allows you to create your own custom links for easy access to your preferred websites.

Configurations > Manage > Custom links

Here is a list of all custom links existing in the system.

The list includes following columns:

  Name: The name of custom link.

  Url: URL of custom link.

  Position: Name of position where custom link will be displayed.

  Action: Action which will perform on click on custom link.

  Is Active: Displays  if custom link is activated.

Each row in the list includes following actions:

  Edit – use this action to edit custom link

  Delete– use this action to delete custom link

  Activate/Deactivate – use this action to activate/deactivate custom link

Above the list is Add custom link button.

Search, sort, filter, paging, print and export functionality is similar to other lists in NSP, see section General User Interface.

Read more: Custom links


Two factors authentication

Two factor authentication (2FA) is a security system that requires an additional login credential – beyond just the username and password – to gain account access, and getting that second credential requires access to something that belongs to you.

Nilex Service Platform allows you two ways to protect account: passcode via email and passcode via SMS.

This page contains a list of two factor authentication methods. Page also offer possibility for configuring 2FA methods and activate/deactivate configuration.

  Name - This column contains Name of the 2FA method.

  Enabled - These columns contains  if 2FA method is enabled.

Read more: Two factor authentication

Read more: User - Two factor authentication


Master tickets

Service catalog order management has been enhanced with Master tickets functionality. The Master tickets function aims to unite all purchased items within one order in a way that an additional ticket will be created after the order, which will be linked to all tickets with individual order items.

Read more: Global function settings

 Read more: Order Management - Order form


Change/add/ edit ad user in trigger

In ticket triggers it is now possible to use set of api methods to manipulate users in local active directory via LDAP connection.

Following methods are available:






Read more: Controlling users in local active directory via triggers



The login page has been improved with the ability to add text below the login form. The custom text you want to appear on the login page should be entered in the helptext box. In order for this option to be visible, it is necessary to activate it within the SSP theme for non-logged-in users.

Read more: Login Configuration - Content

Read more: Settings


Report templates improvements

Within the report templates function, the option to select a new data source object historical ticket changes has been added. With this data source you can create dynamic KPI reports. For example, you can create a report that shows the historical changes in ticket status by days, as in the following example.


Self Service Portal

Related articles on SSP

Within the article view on Self Service Portal, a widget has been implemented that displays a list of related articles, which is predefined by the agent page from the agent portal. Only articles that the logged in user has permissions to see will be displayed in the list. Clicking on the article name, opens a related article.

Article Form

The Article form consists of following areas:

   Article Form Header: Shows article Name (1),

   Left panel: Shows specific Article properties (2), depending on Article type and comment form (3). Below comments form all existing comments.

   Right panel: General Article information (4), common for all Article Types.

   Related articles (5): shows name of all related articles

Read more: Knowledgebase articles


NSP mobile application

Mobile app scanning improvement

The NSP mobile app has been enhanced with the ability to enter default parameters at the CI level within scanning. Before entering scanning mode, the application will offer the option to set the default parameters that will be set to CI after each scan. Eg. For each CI you want to scan, you can set a specific status, location, etc.

Read more: Inventory scanning


Microsoft Teams

NSP integration with Microsoft Teams

Integration with Microsoft Teams is designed to make Teams and NSP easier to work with. For example, if you communicate with a person within Microsoft Teams, you are able to automatically see all his tickets and information related to him from the NSP System without leaving the Teams application, as well as the ability to create tickets directly from Teams with the person you communicate with in Teams.

To access the Microsoft Teams page, go to Configurations > Channels and Integrations > Microsoft Teams

In opened popup select ENABLE checkbox to enable Microsoft Teams integration and settings wizard will be displayed.


Read more: Microsoft Teams

Read more: NSP integration with Microsoft Teams application


Nilex Service Platform Chatbot

NSP Chatbot

The creation of the NSP Chatbot aims to reduce the number of tickets in the support by trying to find the answer in the knowledge base before contacting the support.  You are able to ask the bot a question and the bot will try to find an answer for you in the application knowledge base. This app helps you to create tickets, show ticket info, or add comments to tickets.

List of all your ticket or ticket related to you are also available the same as your user profile information.

You can ask bot a question and bot will try to find an answer in the application knowledge base in order to give you information needed for problem solving.

Just type your message in chat with Nilex Service Platform Bot, and Bot will perform a search.

In case bot did not find any article related to your search, you will get following message:

Click on Create ticket button will start ticket creation procedure which is explained bellow.

In case bot find article(s) related to tour search you will get following message:

Article link will open article in Self Service Portal.

Read more: Nilex Service Platform Chatbot


Customer Change Notes 11.0


Nilex Ticket ID


REQ0009509, REQ0007389, REQ0009543, REQ0010082, REQ0010150

NSP Mobile - Possibility to login in with auth.server URL in Mobile app

REQ0010223, REQ0009908

Ticket - tab Linked Tickets - improvements for faster loading and searching in the pop up dialog when linking tickets



Nilex Ticket ID



System settings

REQ0010277, REQ0009790

Ticket created by mail - sometimes emails were ignored and the ticket was not created correctly and incorrect reply email

with the wrong ticket number went out to the requester.


Global configuration - Dashboard Configuration - changes couldn't be saved - 500 Internal Server Error 

REQ0009909, REQ0010337

Wrong page was open when agent click on user reference links in KB, CI & Contracts


System settings/Configuration/Global configuration - Dashboard Widget configuration - settings couldn't be saved -> 500 Internal Server Error

REQ0009436, REQ0009873

Entity editor: Scopes on forms - Not possible to edit and see forms in group, user and organization form if admin did not have membership


Tag {v:record.BaseDescription} was not resolved in email template if the SCO ticket was new


Entity editor: Fields in group with odd value of fields with enabled Side By Side in all fields did disrupt the order for fields in other groups


Entity editor: Scrollbar was missing when choosing visibility condition for category


Entity Editor - To be able to save a new agent ticket form, four fields are required and field names are now presented correctly in the pop up message. Required fields are: Requester, Assignee,  Subject and Description


The API call getentitytypeinfo which describes which fields are available on an entity could return too many records.


System settings/Configuration/Global configuration - Dashboard Widget configuration - settings couldn't be saved -> 500 Internal Server Error


Roles and permissions: New features was enabled automatic in roles


Administration/People - it was not possible to export agents to Pdf  - Server error

REQ0010269, REQ0009525, REQ0009528, REQ0009349


LDAP: Access token expired after 20 minutes. This could cause manual syncs attempts to fail

REQ0009880, REQ0009599

Direct mail via ticket did not use the correct email address according to configuration


Ticket notifications - Email Delimiter was missing in outgoing mails where it's marked in text template


It was not possible to save a role if view permission was on scope Organization


It was not possible to delete or edit a clickable field that exist on a form in entity editor


It was not possible to use "Columns" to specify which columns should be returned by getentitylistByquery for entitype "CI".

REQ0008310, REQ0009749

Add named users to license, not all users were added to the license due to issue with paging


Was not possible to save Global function settings when having version Xpress or Xpress Plus


Scheduled jobs were set 1-2 hours wrong because of problems with UTC conversion.


It is now possible to use "Columns" to specify which columns should be returned by getentitylistByquery for entityType "CI".


It is now possible to search with "search" and "searchColumns" in getentitylistByquery for entityType "CI" .


Entity editor: Datefield size went back to 100 % when form is edited.

REQ0009641, REQ0009622, REQ0010238

Email configuration: Email reply mail mail was not sent if you had in the setting 'No reply email' not selected

REQ0010367, REQ0010371

Channel - Email alias in the Microsoft Graph account could be saved into ticket field CC under certain circumstances.


Document templates (Tickets) - date fields couldn't be presented correct and libary was now updated

REQ0009771, REQ0009171

Incoming mail sent to NSP with digital signature - in created ticket the embedded images was missing

REQ0009269, TEQ0010327

Full Text Search Tickets - Agent could search / find tickets without permissions to ticket group

REQ0009453, REQ0009541

Problem with SMTP configuration


Fields marked as personal data fields in GDPR settings are now emptied in ticket history

(and in fields in ticket form) at approved request from enduser about emptying personal data.

REQ0007947, REQ0008059, REQ0010137, REQ0007532, REQ0007475

REQ0010240, REQ0007671

 When reactivating user via sync, the user was not fully activated, and could for example not be set as Requester on a ticket.


Agentportal Tickets/ Tasks


Ticket in simple mode: Visibility condition showed too much information


Quickstep Split ticket couldn't be applied - Server error


Tasks on tickets couldn't be saved - Server error was shown


Views with date range filter options for date formats other than Swedish is solved - ex Created greater than 01/02/2021 and Created less than 20/04/2021


Dashboard - My groups - dropdown box groups:  only agent groups with marked property 'is available in assignee box' will be shown now.

REQ0009287, REQ0009649

Views - saved filter option on field CC didn't work  - ticket list remained empty and generated message "Function Error"

REQ0008338, REQ0005586, REQ0005436

Ticket form/tab Organization: Values in Custom fields on entity Organization were not shown on ticket tab Organization

for other entities than Request and Incident. Now it's visible on all entities.


Agentportal - problem that agents could be logged out randomly was related to Work schema and Calendar User status


Ticket - Only current time instead of historic date/time was shown on all entries in notification history 


Ticket created on SSP could get the same ticket number

REQ0009841, REQ0009914

Ticket - Direct mail was inserted in wrong ticket if agent were located in the wrong ticket tab


Using Add + tab did open  default entity form even if agent did not have permission that entity

REQ0009553, REQ0010146

 NSP would stop responding if agent open an already open ticket in user profile

REQ0009905, REQ0009805, REQ0009829, REQ0010312, REQ0009998

Ticket "Updated by" could show incorrect user with a random name.


Ticket CSV Import - if organization was mapped to existing organization then tickets or new users were not created


Linked tickets did not show under tab linked ticket if there were no requester on the ticket


The columns requester and agent is now added to ticket tab organization and related tickets on organization


Quicksteps - Split tickets: It was not possible to edit description in "main" ticket

REQ0009803, REQ0010300

Linked tickets: If agent closed linked tickets with different entities the linked ticket will get the main tickets closed status


Global Configuration Entity Status - not possible to inactivate status which was NOT IN USE in system

REQ0006231, REQ0006514, REQ0008648

Attached file was not sent in mailtemplate for resolved if no english mailtemplate was included


SSP - Register new user better language handling - now correct dialogs are shown in chosen language and user will be

saved with chosen language and not as before only in NSP default language

REQ0009700, REQ0009661

Quicksteps: The selection - "Create new "entity" and connect" changed the status on the main ticket

REQ0003884, REQ0003685, REQ0009712

Dashboard: User created dropdown fields did not show any value on Dashboard


Ticket Checklist - Update Checklist Template - template list was not loaded an update was not possible

REQ0009837, REQ0009831

Ticket comments - response emails to tickets were marked as if "Super Admin ***" updates the ticket instead of the actual sender.


Ticket Checklist - Update Checklist Template - template list was not loaded an update was not possible


Dashboard - Ticket Status bar selection could load tickets only if you was located on page 1 in list


Ticket - Only current time instead of historic date/time was shown on all entries in notification history 


Ticket template: It was not possible to delete the assignee or group in ticket template

REQ0009757, REQ0008605

Value in radio button was deleted when agent worked with several tickets with the same ticket form


It was not possible to create a new Task via the API (save entity)


Ticket: Agents could receive notification at their own assignment of tickets, which was caused by the wrong agent being set as updated by


All linked tickets was closed if the main ticket was closed, even the once that was not selected to be closed


Indexed Search Settings displayed no entities if translations did not exist for entity names.

REQ0010059, REQ0010281

Chrome / Firefox - you could get auto filling in subject & search fields with password or mail addresses


Dashboard /Views filter - Date filters failed the first time and agents had to add filter setting again




Knowledge Base:  recommended Articles was not sorted with newest first on SSP


Permission Schema for knowledgebase: User could not delete and edit article even though the user had permission for this rule


Notifications in Knowledgebase: No notifications would be send out to user if status was Pending approval


Notification on article: Problem to send out notifications if notification is depending on two things both keyword and status


It was not possible to import an docx file if the file to create an article if the document contained an image


The search patch was missing for articles on SSP


Self Service Portal

REQ0009980, REQ0009768

SSP - Register new user account via logon dialog  - wrong GDPR dialog was shown - Now GDPR General Agreement is shown


If "link only one CI" was enabled on entity the CI column was missing on the SSP ticket after one CI is linked to ticket 

REQ0009962, REQ0008147, REQ0008371, REQ0008439

SSP - tickets created on SSP could be saved without requester after session time out


If browser language was other language than Swedish search with date filter on SSP don’t work


Visibility conditions did not work for anonymous forms in iFrame


SSP: wrong ticket form was open for requester on SSP if the ticket was created from Agent portal.

The default form was open so information was missing in the right panel


Entity editor: Date field size went back to 100 % when form is edited.


Visibility conditions don’t work for anonymous forms in iFrame




Property number was exceeding it's limit of 9 numbers, not it goes up 999 999 999


Duplicating CI would also copy over external reference to the copy


Export template would fail if there were to many CI's.

REQ0009291, REQ0007618, REQ0007298, REQ0007304

To many options hid other buttons, scroll function has been added to properties Dropdown, checkbox group and radio button group 


Depreciation calculator kept counting even after the end date has passed which resulted in negative Book value and wrong depreciation value.


Base person was missing as an option in reference property.

REQ0007777, REQ0009131, REQ0009226

New products and vendors that got add through import could only be seen by Super admins, now all agents can see them.


In import updating existing CI's, mapping Vendor a second would remove vendor from CI.

REQ0008487. REQ0009332

Existing CI's could not be updated through import if property was marked as Unique


Import:  Wrong column was chosen in CSV if there were 2 columns with same name. Now an error will appear before mapping part


Property decimal did not show correct value if windows language was Danish.


In multiupdate choosing Empty did not clear old values


Quickstep - Print tickets didn't fetch correct print template in same language as agent has chosen in NSP. Problem was related to browser language.


Service Catalog

REQ0009452, REQ0008266

Service catalog was empty if a service item had 2  groups in view permission and order permission.


Create from existing service item did not inherit options from properties Dropdown, checkbox group and radio button group


Creating service item from existing item resulted in eternal loading for older service items and the copy could not be opened after refreshing the site.


Saving service item in draft mode would result in Name, short description and description would change to "system language" 


User would get temporarily locked when searching for a user through order on behalf of if there were many users.


Saving service item in draft mode would result in Name, short description and description would change to "system language" 


In service item, all mapping in manage properties was not visible after first save.



REQ0009907, REQ0009976

NNS Agent stopped to work after being active for some time and had to be restarted.


NSP Mobile


NSP Mobile (Android and IPhone) values for ticket fields Urgency and Impact didn't loaded correct when new ticket was created

REQ0010156, REQ0009181, REQ0010082, REQ0008931, REQ9303

REQ0009010, REQ0009906

Mobile session time out is 20 minutes by default and reload or log out didn't work after that. Now both works again,

 but if it was done some recycle on website in IIS then it can be that you must restart mobile app and log in again


Not possible to attach a file in ticket from mobile application




Date/time formats will always be sent out in chosen language in scheduled reports.

 Note! Report preview will always use date/time format in browser language


Standard Report 'Tickets by submission channel' report empty on initial loading when entity Request was not used in system


Standard reports: User whas not able to see priority after changed to prio higher than 5. If prio was 6 or higher, the prio did not show in column


Standard reports: Tickets outside Business hours was shown incorrect




Event trigger did not add CC to CC field on the ticket


Event trigger did not send ote any mails due to a memory leak


Export templates


User could not get ticket ID and subject when mapping invoice detaild in mapping field


Social Media Management


Pictures in Facebook Messenger was missing when customer received a picture from ticket that have been created from Messenger


There were no linebreaks in Messenger when customer received an answer in Facebook Messenger


If enduser send a "Thumbs up"  from messenger "OK" no icon did appeared in the ticket




If Spare parts was used in worklog - it was mandatory to add a CI